Friday, May 1, 2009

Proven Dog Training Basics

By Brad Davenport

Before anyone embarks on training their dog, there are some basic training facts that they should acquaint themselves with. We aim to show you some proven dog training basics that hopefully allow the experience to be rewarding for you and your dog.

At a very early stage in the relationship with your dog it is extremely vital that you demonstrate to the animal that you are the boss. Dogs are a pack animal and they will respond to the leader of the pack. First though they will test the water to see if they can become the leader.

Some breeds of dog are much more forceful in their need to be the leader, however, you must not let that happen. If you allow him to dictate what happens in your relationship, you are in line for a negative relationship and nothing but problems. To be in control does not mean that you have to be unkind to your dog, in an abusive way. Absolutely the contrary, yes your dog may be scared of you, but he does not respect your authority.

Training a young dog is akin to a child. You must be consistent at all times. Today, if you say no, then tomorrow you mean no and so on. Try to set a timetable and a specific time each day for training. Your dog will come to expect it and look forward to it.

An excellent place to begin teaching the basics is with the basic command to sit. Fairly easy to teach and a nice easy way for your dog to be taught control. Sit is also a useful command, it always feels good when one single word brings your dog to a stop and he 'sits'

Patience is a virtue as they say and I know that saying is easy but having it, not so easy. However you must be patient, when he obeys a command correctly you must give him praise. Actually as you go along , you will find that he wants to please and enjoys the praise when he has done something right. Not a good idea to punish or shout at him, you will not achieve much that way.

At first, try working on training every day. As your dog starts to learn more commands, you can take a day off here and there but training should always be a part of your relationship with your dog.

All of this will be worth it in time, I promise you. When you have a well behaved and obedient dog it is something to be proud of. I know that you will flush with pleasure when someone remarks 'what a well behaved dog. Why can't ours be like that' They will never know the hours of effort put in to bring a dog up in the right way.

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