Friday, May 15, 2009

Serious Pit Bull Aggresive Dog Behavior

By Trevor

It must have happened to you while walking on the beach or the local park. There jumping on and off the walking path is a puppy in the throes of life. You know that such a dog is full of wonder at every little butterfly that flutters. Its non-stop tail movement is evidence that it is truly happy to meet each and every non-threatening stranger.

Moments later, you hear a repeated high pitched yap yap yap yap and the deeper growl of a less playful dog. Without turning, you already know the problem. Playful puppy has been stopped dead in its tracks by another dog which may not be quite under control of its master.

In many parts of North America that problem dog is actually a dog that has inherent anger problems perhaps due to an owner who wasn't loving and caring or problems due to inbreeding and or its part of its gene makeup.

A few weeks ago, as I was petting the head of the dog a few doors down, my neighbor recounted this story about this half puppy half wolf.

A little less than a year prior, he had chained his big wolf puppy to the tail gate of his chevy pickup. He had then gone inside for lunch while the puppy played outside. He says he wasn't inside more than about 15 minutes before a deep snarl and a shout caused him to run to the front door.

A Pit Bull Terrier had torn itself loose from its owner and was running full speed at his tied dog. His dog went suddenly silent and ears perked alert as it appeared to test the length on its leash. It backed up quickly towards the car and half sat and waited the second and a half for the pit bull to cross the 40 feet between them.

In less than a blink the PitBull was high in the air and reaching for his puppy's jugular. However, his puppy was no longer there at all. Launching itself a split second earlier it was also in the air and much higher than the pitBull. The pitBull attempted to twist before it even hit the ground, but the wolf puppy was faster yet and by then had a grip on the throat of the pitBull.

The half puppy did a very adult thing. With astonishing strength it growled and thew the pitbull about 6 feet away.

The pitbull landed and without touching ground ( thats what witnesses say ) twisted and was airborne across the 10 feet distance. The slightly bigger half wolf puppy crouched and met the pitBull midair but this time instead of warning it, it snapped its neck and well, that was that.

No one knew how long this had all taken. It seemed to simultaneously happen so fast and then suddenly slow down as if time had been holding its breath. My neighbors big puppy, backed to the beginning of its leash and sat itself down gently, almost as if, all in a days work.

Its truly sad when something like this happens. The savagery of the episode is lost in the speed and suddeness of an attack like this. We heard that an older child had been threatened by the same dog a year earlier and that there was pending investigations about that due to those on the scene telling different versions of what they thought they saw.

I guess, the wheels of justice move slowly and that sometimes the animal kingdom simply takes things into its own. Afterwards, everyone was very certain that the puppy would have stood no chance under the fierce onslaught of the pitBull, but nature thought differently.

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