Sunday, July 18, 2010

Article From 3 Benefits You Can Get From Bee Keeping - Other Than Honey!

Does it ever make you wonder why so many people
are drawn to something as unusual as bee keeping?
Why an all too obvious answer is honey, there are
a large number of other benefits associated with
this hobby. Bees are much more than just flying
insects that make a liquid gold. This insect does
great things to help maintain the ecological
balance of our environment.

1 - Bees pollinate

Every flowering plant that provides a fruit or
vegetable does so with the aid of pollination.
Bees are the ones who do this for us, spreading
pollen across billions of flowers never ending.
If our bees were to disappear, so would the food
that feeds not only us, but many animals. How
quickly we would face perishing without the work
they do.

Perhaps this is a reason why environmentalists
support the efforts of even the smallest
beekeepers. With a planet susceptible to global
warming and climate change, we need to know the
bees will remain intact.

2 - Bees provide us with a valuable learning

Those who are impatient, lacking courage, and
looking for something to give them a sense of
importance will benefit greatly from the lessons
the bee has to offer. Beekeeping requires a firm
grasp of knowledge as you have to know the right
way to deal with temperamental insects.

You may be faced with a bee having a bad day, and
it will be your job not to get angry with him and
get your job accomplished. It can take great
understanding, patience, and hard work. Your
reward is the opportunity to see things happening
up close that some could only imagine. It is an
unspoken duty to take what you learn and share it
with a younger generation to keep the beekeepers
tradition alive.

3 - Bees contribute to our overall wellness

While there are currently no studies to confirm
this information, many bee keepers claim that
their activities have not only relaxed them but
have also made them more in tune with their
surroundings. Their focus on the bees becomes
laser sharp and the world around them just melts

Should you have unmanageable stress in your life,
this could be a better prescription than any
pill. Give it is try and see if it helps you find
some peace. As long as you are not susceptible to
any bee sting allergies, this may be well worth
further investigation.

If any of these benefits sound like something
that can better your life, get started learning
more about this great hobby today with the help
of a bee keeping guide. Aside from the benefits
mentioned here, there are many more you'll

Val Wilson is passionate about all things
beekeeping! It is an incredibly rewarding hobby
in so many ways, so if you would like more
information about how to start beekeeping, and
produce your own honey, go to and sign up for the
FREE 7 day beekeeping ecourse.

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