Sunday, July 25, 2010

Article From Keep Your Pets in Mind in Inclement Weather

For the most part, owning a pet is not going to
require that we do a whole lot of thinking. We
get up in the morning, feed the pets according to
their schedule, give them a little bit of
exercise through the day and make sure that they
have a comfortable place to sleep at night. There
are times, however, when you're going to need to
consider your pet because of inclement weather or
other unusual situations that may occur. Here are
some things that you should keep in mind.

One of the first things that you might want to
consider is what you're going to do in the case
of extremely hot weather. Dogs are unable to
sweat, so they have to stand in order to get rid
of the body heat that is accumulating within
them. Far too many dogs die on a regular basis
because people thoughtlessly leaving them in
automobiles, even with the windows cracked. Do
not make this mistake. Your dog cannot handle the
heat that builds up in an automobile and it is
one of the most inhumane things that you can
possibly do to an animal.

Another thing that you would want to consider
whenever the weather gets hot is how hot things
are underneath their feet. If we take our dog on
regular walks, we may actually be hurting the
pads of their paws as a result of the asphalt
being too hot at the wrong time of day. Keep in
mind, you wear shoes but your dog does not so you
would want to make sure that you test the
temperature of the asphalt with your bare skin.
This can give you an idea of what your dog is
going to be going through as you're walking along.

Cold weather is also something that requires you
to consider for your animals. Whenever it gets
extremely cold outside, this can be difficult for
your dog or cat to handle. This is especially
true if they tend to be inside on a regular
basis, as they may not grow a coat that allows
them to stand the cold weather. Always make sure
that you give your animal a place out of the cold
and a way to get inside the house without
spending the entire day outside. Although a bit
of outside time is great for your animal, a lot
of it can be very bad for them.

One other thing that I would like to mention is
that, regardless of whether it is hot or cold,
you must make sure that your dog or cat has a
ready supply of water available to them. This is
absolutely one of the most important things that
you can do and it can really make a difference in
how healthy your animal happens to be. If you
have to, check your animal's water dish every
time you fill up your own cup with water. This
will help to ensure that they always have the
liquid that they need.

Alison Wood shares her tips for living with all
different types of pets over at her aptly named
pet blog, Pet Hooligans. To find out more about
all your favorite little hooligans and how to
increase their health and happiness, take a look
at the website today ==>

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