Friday, July 16, 2010

Article From Put These 3 Freshwater Fish In Your Community Tank

Three freshwater fish to put in your tank are
described here; the Dwarf Pencil Fish, the Green
Rivulus and the Hunchbacked Limia. Scientific
names, preferred conditions, colors description,
sex differences and breeding advice given.

Dwarf Pencil Fish - Nannostomus marginatus
(Family: Lebiasinidae)

It is a bit timid and likes its fellow dwarfs so
its better to have few of them in your aquarium.
They will grow to about 3 cms when adult and are
slow swimmers so you will have plenty of time to
admire them!.

Water and Tank Conditions:
This shy fish will need sheltered areas so make
sure there is a well planted area and also a good
amount of free space for it to swim around in. A
water temperature range of about 24 degrees
centigrade will be ideal.

Features and Colors:
It is not easy to tell the differences between
the sexes. The females are not as slim as the
males and are not as brightly colored. The fish
has three stripes running laterally along its
flanks. The middle one is gold colored with dark
brown ones either side. The back is a golden
brown with the body browny gray.

The fins are red around the perimeter and the
bottom parts are also red. An unusual feature of
the Nannostomus genus is that the horizontal
bands will change shape when they are scared or
at dusk time. They change to stripes that slope

This fish will eat a wide range of foods but due
to its small mouth ensure the food size is
sufficiently small.

Breeding Conditions:
Like the Croaking tetra the pencil fish does not
readily breed. A shallow depth of slightly acidic
water, about 12 cms, is needed for the breeding
tank and a temperature of about 24 degrees
centigrade. You will need two males to mate with
one female and the use of a breeding trap.

Remove the fish once spawning has taken place.
You will notice the eggs are scattered
everywhere. It will be a couple of days before
the fry hatch. After hatching the fry can be fed
on infusoria to start with, then fine dry food
and when they get bigger flaked foods, daphnia
and micro-worms.

Green Rivulus - Rivulus cylindraceus (Family:

The green rivulus is a hardy fish, peaceful and
good at leaping so keep the cover on! It is is
regarded as a bit of joker in the fish world due
to its habit of taking up unusual positions and
maintaining them for a while. It is best to keep
these with fish around the same size.

Water and Tank Conditions:
With respect to plant requirements, have both
floating and submerged plant types. For the
water, an average temperature of about 22 degrees
centigrade will be alright although it can
tolerate a fairly wide range.

Features and Colors:
The green rivulus, as its name suggests, is
olive-green with spots that are darker green. It
also has reddish spots near the back end. This
fish is also called the cuban rivulus.

There are many species seen in aquariums from
this genus and they all differ in color but their
behavior and main features are the same. In
particular they all have a 'false eye', which is
in fact a spot located near the upper part of the
peduncle fin.

Other species you will come across are the eye
spot or ocellated rivulus (Rivulus ocellatus),
the herring-bone rivulus (Rivulus strigatus), the
yellow banded rivulus (Rivulus xanthonotus), the
fire-tail rivulus (Rivulus milesi) and Hart's
rivulus (Rivulus harti).

These fish become much more active at feeding
time compared to their sometimes lethargic
nature. In general they are not fussy about the
food they are given.

Breeding Conditions:
The difference between male and female is easy as
the female has the large rivulus spot and is not
as brightly colored compared to the male. A
thickly planted breeding tank at 26 degrees
centigrade is required with two females for each

They breed easily and once the eggs have been
scattered about, take the plants and fertilized
eggs to a separate incubation tank. Give it up to
fourteen days for the eggs to hatch and feed the
fry with infusorias for the first seven or so

Hunchbacked Limia - Poecilia nigrofasciata
(Family: Poeciliidae)

Also known as the Humpbacked limia and the
Black-barred limia. These fish are peaceful and
females can reach lengths of 6 cms or more. The
Poecilia caudofasciata species is smaller and the
male and female reach lengths of about 4 and 6
cms respectively.

Water and Tank Conditions:
24 degrees centigrade is adequate.

Features and Colors:
They are called hunchbacked because the young
fish exhibit an arched back, which becomes
greater as they age. The other parameter that
also changes with age is the color. Young ones
have a yellow belly, dark vertical stripes and an
overall olive color.

The older fish has iridescent green spots on the
bands, the stomach has a dark border, the dorsal
fin is bigger with spines becoming black. As in a
lot of cases the female is duller than the male,
color wise, not personality wise!

The main diet for the Hunchbacked limia is algae
and other vegetable matter with the odd live meal
thrown in (literally!).

Breeding Conditions:
The usual process for live-bearing fish can be
applied but these fry are more difficult to raise
and it will help if the breeding tank is in a
position so that sunlight can fall on it.

Now you can have three additional freshwater fish
to put in a tank and look after. Before you add
more fish, ensure your aquarium can accommodate
your newcomers.

Get your FREE E-Course from webmaster and author
Paul Curran, on how to set up and maintain a
beautiful aquarium, have the healthiest, happiest
fish around AND learn about more freshwater tank
fish at

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