Monday, July 26, 2010

Article From The Red Kangaroo

Red Kangaroo Description

The Red Kangaroo is the largest of all the
species out there and the one that most people
are familiar with. They have fur that can range
from a shade of gray, to brown, to having a
reddish tint. The ears are very pointing and they
have a wonderful sense of hearing. They have
powerful legs and very wide feet. Yet the upper
limbs are short and skinny. They do have sharp
claws on the limbs though. The tail is very thick
and powerful too. All Kangaroos use this to help
them with balance.

Adult males can range from 5 to 6 feet in height.
They can also weigh close to 200 pounds. They
females are shorter with a height of about 4 to
4/12 feet. They also weigh about half of what the
adult males do.

Red Kangaroo Distribution

You will find the Red Kangaroo living in various
areas out there around Australia. They primarily
stay around the mainland areas where it is very
dry. You will find them spending a great deal of
their time out in the open and looking around.

Red Kangaroo Behavior

Due to the heat where the Red Kangaroos live,
they tend to not be very active during the day.
Instead they will remain in shaded areas and rest
until they sun goes down. They are very active at
night and in the early morning. The move around
with their group which is called a mob.

For the most part the members of the mob do get
along very well. However, there is often
conflicts with the males because they want to
take over as the leader. That way they will be
able to mate with the females. The males usually
take part in what looks like boxing. They do this
in order to show their dominance and to try to
take cover control of the mob.

Red Kangaroo Diet and Feeding

They are herbivores and their diet consists of a
variety of grass and plants. While they do need
some water they can go for a very long time
without it. They get most of the water they do
need from the vegetation that they consume. They
don't chew their food but instead swallow it.
Then they regurgitate it and chew it up once
again before it is digested.

Red Kangaroo Reproduction

Mating can take place out there any time of the
year for the Red Kangaroo. The females will
conceive and then a very small joey is born about
30 days later. It makes a remarkable journey to
the pouch where it will be well protected. It
will stay there for about 8 months and then start
to get out of the pouch on and off until it is
about a year old.

The females can get pregnant again almost
immediately if their basic needs are met. In
fact, she may have an new joey and continue to
care for the older one at the same time. The
females do have the ability to delay when the
embryo and the uterus meet though so they have
some control over when they will give birth.

Red Kangaroo Conservation

There are quite a few efforts in place to help
conserve the natural environment out there for
the Red Kangaroo. Such organizations are
stressing the importance of these animals having
access to their natural habitat. They also want
to make people aware of the fact that they aren't
pests like they have been labeled. Instead, they
are just following their instincts for survival.

Red Kangaroo Human interaction Many people have
been able to experience seeing the Red Kangaroo
in its natural setting in Australia. There are
some interactions but most of the time these
animals will run off when humans get too close.
They are sometimes hit by cars as they now have
roads through their natural habitats. Some humans
hunt them or poison them and such interactions
continue to lower the number of them remaining in
the wild.

For more Facts and Information about Kangaroos
and the main kangaroo species like the Red
Kangaroo, the Gray Kangaroo and many others as
well as Kangaroo images and videos, visit

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