Monday, July 19, 2010

Article From Disease In Your Aquarium -Symptoms And Treatment

Fish lice, fungus, gill flukes and
hole-in-the-head are just four of the many
diseases or problems that your fish may suffer
during their stay in your tank.

This article shows you what to look for and how
to combat the disease itself.

Fish Lice

Symptoms: Behavior wise you will see the fish
trying to scratch itself against whatever it can
find. You will also see round shaped transparent
parasites stuck to the fishes body. There may be
red or scarred areas where the parasite has been

Reason: These parasites, that have eight legs,
are lice (Argulus) that attach themselves by
suckers, break the skin and feed on the fish.
Eggs are laid away from the fish. Some say that
they are often mistaken for algae but if you look
closely enough you'll see what they are if they
are adult as they appear a green color but the
young may not be so obvious.

Treatment: The adult parasites can be removed by
tweezers once the fish has been removed from the
aquarium. Treat the affected area with an
antiseptic. Organophosphates can be used as a
treatment for the whole aquarium to cope with the
newly born and young parasite. However chemicals
such as this (Dimlin or difluorobenzene) are
banned in lots of countries.

I have noted that Parazin P, a medication
suitable for treating crustacean infestations,
has been proposed and takes several weeks to take
effect as it is based on the life cycle of the

I have also read of a treatment whereby the fish
is rubbed with a piece of kitchen roll paper on
the parasite affected area, the fish is dipped in
water (at the same temperature of the main tank)
and all the parasites in that area leave the
fish! Apparently the parasites do not like dry
conditions, hence the use of the dry paper roll.
It cannot do any harm so why not try it?


Symptoms: The areas of the body that are affected
are those where the mucous layer that protects
the skin has been damaged. You will see cotton
wool like material attached to the fish or the
whole appearance of the skin may seem unclean.
You can see why its is also called the Cotton
Wool disease. Fungus types are typically
Saprolegnia, Achlya, Leptomitus and Pythium.

Reason: This is a secondary infection as it often
occurs after an initial wound has happened or
where a parasite has been active or after the
fish has suffered from white spot. Could also be
due to bad water quality.

Treatment: You can use a proprietary fungicide
such as phenoxyethanol to treat the individual
fish in a hospital/quarantine tank but try to
determine the cause of the outbreak and put
corrective measures in place, otherwise it may
well break out again. Salt baths are another
alternative or the use of Gentian Violet
topically on the affected area.

Gill Flukes (Dactylogyrus)

Symptoms: To relieve itching the fish will be
seen forcing itself up against anything it can
rub on. It may be breathing fast or gulping for
oxygen at the surface. As the disease takes hold
the fish will become lethargic and try to isolate
itself in a corner or stay on the bottom of the
tank. It will go off its food, have swollen gills
and a gill may be kept open or kept closed.

Reason: A worm like parasite up to 2 mm long
infests the gills of the fish and reproduces
there. It has hooks on its body to dig into the
flesh which causes damage and possible bacterial
infection. But the main effect is to reduce the
fishes ability to breath and get in enough
oxygen, eventually leading to death.

Treatment: This is an infectious disease so
treatment of all fish is recommended. As the
parasites eggs are quite hardy, repeated
treatments over a few weeks will be needed to
kill off the newly hatched worms. Fluke tabs are
no longer recommended.

Praziquantel (Droncit (USA) or Drontal (UK) are
preferred as they are safer for the fish. Other
UK treatments include Paragon (for mild
infections and safe with shrimps and snails or
Sterazin (for serious infections but not safe
with shrimps and snails. A follow up bacterial
treatment is probably advisable to counteract any
secondary infection caused by the parasite.

Hole in the head (Hexamitiasis)

Symptoms: This disease has an effect on the
insides of the fish (intestines) and the skin
(under it) so you might see pits in its head and
its faeces will appear to be thready and white.
Discus fish are particularly susceptible. The
fish may swim backwards, it might look for
shelter with its head facing downwards and the
usual color will become darker.

Reason: A parasite called Hexamita is the
culprit. It lives in the intestines and can
become a problem when fish become stressed and/or
weak due to poor environmental conditions.

Treatment: Metronidazole at about 500 mg per 10
gallons is the normal dosage. Dissolve the
medication in hot water first. Several treatments
may be needed over two weeks with 50 percent
water changes carried out before each treatment.
I have noted that some folk add Malachite Green
to act on secondary infections.

As the disease is also internal, medicating the
fish food is also appropriate. 250mg (0.25g) of
Metronidazole in 25g of food will do the trick.

Paul Curran provides a care information system
for fresh water aquariums. Get your FREE E-Course
on how to set up and maintain a beautiful
aquarium, have the healthiest, happiest fish
around AND learn more about disease in your
aquarium at

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