Saturday, July 24, 2010

Article From Feeding Your Pet Properly

As a pet owner, it is our responsibility to make
sure that they are as healthy as possible. This
not only includes taking them to the veterinarian
on a regular basis and giving them the exercise
that they need, it also has a lot to do with the
type of food that you are feeding to them. There
are a number of things that you need to consider
in this regard which will really make a
difference in exactly how healthy and happy your
pet is going to be. This is true, regardless of
whether you are feeding a dog, cat, guinea pig or
any other animal.

One of the first things that you need to
understand about feeding a pet properly is that
the obvious choices are not always going to be
the best choices. The reason why this is the case
is because many of the commercial pet foods that
are available on the market are not really going
to be a healthy option for your animal. Keep in
mind, the FDA, which is responsible for making
sure that human food is healthy is not going to
pay as close attention to the fact that dog food
goes through the same processes. That is why much
of the food that shows up on the shelves is
really full of byproducts, odds and ends and

Something that may come as a shock to you is the
fact that even some foods that are marked as
organic are not organic at all. This is because
of a little-known regulation which allows animal
food to be marked as organic before it goes
through processing. What this means is the fact
that organic products can be used in the dog food
but that doesn't stop them from adding byproducts
and preservatives, which basically killed the
nutritional value of the food that you are
feeding them. Always make sure that any food that
you choose is truly organic.

Another option that you have available to you,
aside from paying for organic pet food, is to
feed your animal according to its own nutritional
needs. For dogs and cats, this may come in the
form of a meat-based organic and raw diet. Many
people have seen great differences in their
animal's health once they switch to this all
natural diet. Is it going to take more time on
your part? Yes, it absolutely is, but as a
responsible pet owner, it is well worth the

Regardless of what you decide to feed your pets,
it is important for you to make sure that you are
giving them healthy food and making sure that
they get plenty of it. It is also very important
for you to not over feed your pets, as obesity is
an animal killer in much the same way as it kills
humans on a regular basis. In all things, make
sure that you are balanced and that you are
providing your animal with what they need to grow
old together with you.

Alison Wood shares her tips for living with all
different types of pets over at her aptly named
pet blog, Pet Hooligans. To find out more about
all your favorite little hooligans and how to
increase their health and happiness, take a look
at the website today ==>

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