Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Article From SubmitYOURArticle.com: Bee Removal Services Are Government Regulated To Ensure Safe Practices

Coming across a bee colony in our day-to-day
lives is not common, and may leave you amazed at
the site of it, a little intimidated by all those
swarming insects, and wondering who to call to
deal with it. A bee removal expert is not just
someone with a protective suit and a pesticide
sprayer, but a trained specialist, and bee
catcher businesses are regulated by the
government to ensure safe and effective practices.

Bees have a special place in nature, and a
special place in human life. While many feel
that we could do without yellow jackets, hornets,
wasps, mud daubers and the like, we certainly
could not survive as a species without the vast
pollination of our cultivated plants that those
small insects perform, free of charge, year after
year. Lady bugs, praying mantis and some other
insects are also beneficial to your yard and
garden. Eco-responsible bee removal, utilizing
few chemicals, is important to protect all of
these important species.

Pesticides are chemical intensive, and many
varieties such as organophosphates and carbamate
insecticides can be dangerous to all bugs, animal
life, humans and our soil and groundwater.
Additionally, general pesticides may not be
effective against specific infestations. Chemical
use is regulated by the government, and if
insecticides are necessary, they must be applied
by a trained specialist who knows how to do it
right with the smallest impact on the environment.

There is a reason why keepers wear a mesh suit
and carry a smoker - bee and yellow jacket
removal can be dangerous, which is why a trained
specialist is often required. First, they can
identify all types of species to assess risks and
develop a removal strategy. These specialists
understand how best to handle these fascinating
yet dangerous insects to accomplish the goals of
removing the hive without harming themselves, the
neighbors, and the colony.

Professionals know the necessity of removing the
entire hive as well as any honey to keep the
insects from returning to the site, and if they
have to take down a portion of the garage wall to
remove a hive, they probably know how to repair
it. They also can safely transfer a colony into
boxes where the bees can begin a new hive, in the
care of a keeper. Next time you run across a
swarming colony, take a moment to listen to the
fascinating buzz, then call someone who knows how
to take care of the hive responsibly.

Stephen Daniels is an acclaimed http://netbiz.com
internet marketing strategist. For
eco-responsible wasp and bee removal in the Los
Angeles metro area, he recommends
http://www.beecatcherssocal.com . Their
professionals offer over 15 years experience and
immediate service 7 days a week.

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