Thursday, October 21, 2010

Article From List of Poisonous House Plants and Illness Symptoms for Domestic Pets

Most dog owners live completely unaware of the
fact that those potted plants and the flower
garden they tend so well may actually be a grave
danger to a dog or cat. Many common household
plants and even more common garden plants can
have toxic properties that could seriously harm
your favorite pet.

Cyclamen - This five petal flower is usually
accompanied by rounded or arrow-like leaves that
can be very toxic for dogs. The whole plant is
toxic to dogs in generally, however the most
poisonous part is the roots. You may notice your
dog having intestinal issues and may vomit

Tulips - This spring favorite can be very
dangerous for a dog. The real threat is the
bulb, which contains a toxin that will irritate a
pet's bowels. From the start, your pet might
lose interest in his food. This toxin could also
depress your pet's central nervous system,
causing convulsions or even cardiac arrest.

Lilies - These garden staples are most toxic to
cats. Severe kidney damage is likely to result
if your cat ingests its toxin, though the
chemical to blame has not yet been identified.

Azaleas - Commonly found in many gardens, these
plants could cause pets to go into coma in
serious cases. Less severe poisoning will result
in drooling and loss of appetite and may depress
your pet's central nervous system.

Hibiscus - This common houseplant can lead to
loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and general
nausea in your pet.

Autumn Crocus - The autumn crocus is a death
sentence for a pet. Ingestion can lead to
serious organ damage, vomiting and diarrhea,
possibly bloody, and could suppress bone marrow

Chrysanthemums - These flowers, appearing in many
gardens and indoor pots can cause serious
gastrointestinal upset including drooling and
diarrhea. Occasionally, ingestion of this plant
can lead to depression.

Apples and Apricots - It is shocking for many
owners to realize that apples can in fact be very
toxic for pets. While the fruit itself is safe,
the seeds, stems, and leaves all have a form of
the poison cyanide in them. Symptoms will
include difficulty breathing, bright red mucous
membranes, and shock.

Begonia - Begonias contain chemicals known as
insoluble oxalates that will cause your dog or
cat's mouth to burn. They may find it difficult
to swallow their food.

Yucca - Popular in desert climate, this plant can
cause serious bouts of vomiting and diarrhea.
Luckily, the plant has sharp thorns that keep
most pets away.

Chamomile - This plant is commonly cultivated for
teas or as calming agent for humans, however, it
is dangerous for your pet. Simply brushing
against it will give your dog dermatitis, and
ingestion can lead to anorexia, vomiting,
diarrhea, and bleeding.

Avocado - Eating avocados can cause mild
poisoning which lead to vomiting and diarrhea.

Garlic - If your pet eats garlic in big
quantities, then it might be time to head for the
vet's office. Too much garlic can result in
hemolytic anemia, a condition whereby your pet's
red blood cells are being broken down. You will
also notice vomiting, weakness, possibly bloody
urine, and a very fast heart rate.

Burning Bush - Taken in large dosage, the toxin
from this bush can cause the heart problems,
leading to abnormal heart beat rhythm. In small
quantity, symptoms would be vomiting, diarrhea
and pain in the abdominal area.

Grapefruit - The toxins of this plant, found
mostly in the leaves and rind of the fruit can
lead to light sensitivity, depression, and

Daffodils - This common garden flower is
immensely toxic to dogs and cats. Ingestion can
cause diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions, arrhythmia
and low blood pressure. Common as they are, it's
very important that your pet stay away.

The above list is definitively not exhaustive and
is only a collection of the common plants that
are harmful to pets. If you intend to start
planting new plants in your garden, it would be
advisable to take some time to research the new
plants first. Many are mildly toxic to dogs,
though some can cause serious internal damage or

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