Friday, October 29, 2010

Article From Aquatic Plant Life

Managing your aquatic plant life takes time and
also some basic knowledge of how things work.
With just a little bit of 'know how', you could
see your aquarium transformed. Keeping algae
growth under control can be extremely challenging
for people who are new to fish keeping, but you
must remember that it can also be a great source
of food. Approaching these issues from the right
angle will go a long way to making sure you can
keep on top of it. This article aims to give you
some basic knowledge and advice to help you with
getting your aquatic plant life exactly how you
want it.

Using Algae

Many species of fish use algae as a nutritional
part of their diet. Some species survive on the
stuff, rarely eating anything else. If you have
issues with algae in your tank one of the things
you could do is turn the problem into a solution
and stock your aquarium with algae eating species
such as plecos. Different types of algae will be
easier than others for fish to remove and eat, so
it's worth trying to find out what algae you have
growing before you stock your tank with the
appropriate species. Be warned though that if
this solves the problem completely, you will then
have to supplement their diet with commercially
prepared algae discs.

Removing Algae

If algae growth gets out of control, it can be a
big problem both aesthetically and also for the
health of your other plant life. The most common
form of algae is green spot algae. This often
starts of as the name would suggest; with green
spots on rocks and glass. This can be quite hard
to remove, so prevention is always the best way
to go. The secret is to make sure you have a good
amount of other plant life so there are no spare
nitrates for the algae to feed on. Regular water
changes and good filtration will also help to
keep algae growth under control. To remove algae
that is already present, simply use a razor blade
to scrape it from the glass. Make sure though
that you clean the blade outside the tank, not
just shaking the algae back into the water.


It is important when lighting your tank that you
use fluorescent lights specifically made for
aquariums. These lights produce the correct
spectrum of light in order to encourage plant
growth. Standard fluorescent lights won't do
this, and will actually encourage the dreaded
black algae to grow in your tank. Special aquatic
lighting actually simulates daylight which is why
they are so good for plant life. There are many
different options available, including some great
low cost energy efficient bulbs.

For some great examples of aquatic plant life,
and fantastic aquariums, please visit

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