Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dogs Live Longer With Proper Training

By Bondaritz Mullen

Dog obedience training will prove to be the most important step you take when getting a new dog or puppy. When a dog is well behaved it will slide right in to your family and can be trusted at any event you may hold at home or go to in public. The secret to dog obedience training is to get started fast and make sure you are consistent with your commands and boundaries.

You'll have it easier if your new dog is still a puppy, but you need to begin obedience training right away. It can be hard to start the training because puppies look so cute, but it is important you do. Right from the outset put a top to any naughty behavior. A simple tactic to use is decide how you want the dog to act when it is grown, and do not let the puppy do anything that is contrary to this, for example if you don't want your dog upstairs or on the furniture, do not allow the puppy to do this. Do not allow it to jump at you, especially if it is a larger breed of dog, otherwise when it grows up it will be jumping up at you constantly.

Puppies have the ability to soften up the coldest of hearts, which makes it hard to stay consistent with your dog obedience training. Remember, don't be mean or over bearing with the puppy, simply be firm, but remain calm, when saying "no". Puppies were only days ago fighting, biting, jumping and scratching with their brothers and sisters in their litter. The mother of the litter will not tolerate this style of violent behavior from her puppies, so be as consistent and firm as she is.

For anybody who has a new dog that is no longer a puppy, your dog obedience training is going to be much harder. You may have adopted a well trained dog, even so it will take a while for you and the dog to get to know one and other and for the dog to understand the commands you give. Again you simply need to stay consistent with your rules and commands and be firm but nice.

Get to know the dog the best you can before it is brought to your home. When you decide to adopt from an animal shelter, try to visit as much as you can before you take the dog home, or when adopting from a private breeder, make frequent visits. So you know what's in store for you, get to know the dog's behavior the best you can.

Just as with puppies, you should start dog obedience on the first day you bring it home. The dog is going to be excited when they first arrive, so be sure to let the dog know their boundaries at the very beginning. To stop the dog jumping, chewing or going on the furniture simply say 'no' firmly. The dog will eventually calm down especially if you remain clam.

It's vital to begin dog obedience training as soon as possible and hopefully these tips will help you along the way, but you'll see dog training is simple.

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