Saturday, October 23, 2010

Easy Dog Training Tips Anyone Can Do

By Geraldine Dimarco

Contrary to popular opinion, anyone can train their dogs. Whoever told you it can't be done have used incorrect methods or have failed because they gave up too soon. Nothing tests your patience like dog training; but staying on course until you see the fruits of your labor is incredibly rewarding. Not only will your home be clean and shiny, you will have a better social life and a happier relationship with your pet.

Let's start by looking into what goes on inside the mind of your dog so we can better grasp the reasons behind the given dog training tips. People are logical and intelligent creatures (most of us anyway). We can correctly assume the outcome of any given situation through reasoning skills and basic common sense. Dogs on the other hand, are lovable but not as smart. They understand only through simple reactions and a consistent repetition of unchanging commands. For instance, we understand that 'Come!', 'Let's go!', or 'Come here!' mean the same thing. But with dogs, all three phrases are as different as different can be. He might go to you after the millionth time of calling him but that doesn't mean he understands what you're trying to say.

You need to be consistent and repetitive in teaching your dogs. Use the exact word or phrase each time you give a command.

It is foundational and of utmost importance that your dog acknowledges you as the immovable ?head of the pack?. It does not imply that you need to be excessively mean and harsh to the dog to affirm your authority; you need only to be firm and strong. Once he recognizes you as the leader, the dog will seek to obey and follow you as a good subordinate does.

A simple tactic to impose your leadership is to rub his belly. This puts the dog in a position of submission and by licking your hand he accepts your authority over him. Never give in to growling and whining dogs try to get their way. It is important to set good habits early without ever straying from it.

Another trick experts use in training animals is to let the dog teach himself. For example, your dog is gnawing on things not meant for dog's teeth. Pet owners will reprimand the dog right away and take the thing away. This isn't wrong but a better method is to replace incorrect behavior with the right one by planting unpleasant sensations and memories from the wrong behavior.

If he gnaws on one of your pairs of shoe, spray him with water. If he does it again, spray him yet again. Place his own toy strategically before him to pick up. If he catches on and starts playing with the toy enthusiastically praise him. In the dog's uncomplicated mind, chewing the shoe feels bad and playing with the toy feels good.

Do not forget to bring him up properly with socialization. It is an often overlooked but very important aspect of dog training. Establishing social skills is best during the first three months of the puppy's life. However, adult dogs needs and would benefit from regular interaction with people and other animals. Make socialization an integral part of his life by introducing your pet to vaccinated dogs, different kinds of people and crowded places whenever you can.

Training a pet can sometimes be frustrating but you do it because you love them. These dog training tips will successfully help your dog be the best he can be in the world he lives in. Is it easy? Not always, but it is definitely worth it.

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