Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Article From SubmitYOURArticle.com: How to Train a Dog and Become the Leader

Training a dog is not really that difficult, but
you must take charge and become the leader of the
pack! If you do not take charge of the dog, the
dog will take charge of you. If you allow your
dog to take over the house, you will end up with
a problem dog that will do what ever he wants.

Dogs live by hierarchy, and you must understand
this in order to understand the importance of why
you must manifest your position as the boss of
the house. Fail to do this, and the dog will
become nervous, stressed and possible aggressive.

You must remember that a dog should never fear
you, but he should have a great deal of respect
for you, and if you play your cards right, this
respect is easily earned.

Tip number one. When you feed your dog, make sure
that you decide when the dog begins to eat. Put
the bowl of food on the floor, and do not allow
for the dog to jump you, or to eat while the bowl
is still in your hands. In the beginning you
might also wish to hold the dog by the collar.
Once the dog calms down, you say "ok", and then
allow the dog to eat. This will teach the dog
that you are in charge of the food, and when it
is time to eat. It will also make the dog less
stressed during feeding time.

Tip number two. Ignore your dog completely
whenever he begs, or is overeager. Keep ignoring
him until he calms down, and then initiate
contact. This will teach the dog that you decide
when things happen, not him. This method will
over time strengthen your position as a leader in
the mind of the dog.

Tip number three. Some people like to have their
dogs in their bed or in the sofa. This is a big
mistake, as these places can be considered as
dominant positions by the dog. In his mind, this
means that whoever is in the bed or sofa is a
leader. Never allow your dog to enter the sofa or
bed. He can stay at the floor beside you.

These tips are all basic tips, that in the end
will help you in your training efforts, and are
101 on how to train a dog. Start by showing your
leadership from the very first day that you dog
arrives at your house, and keep maintaining your
position throughout the years of the dogs life.

If you wish to find more tips on how to train a
dog than please visit my site at

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