Thursday, November 4, 2010

Article From To Shoe or Not to Shoe Your Horse - Benefits of Shod and Barefoot Horses

Horseshoes seem like the natural footwear for a
horse. A horseshoe is supposed to properly set
up a horse's hoof for action of all sorts, but in
the past years, a new vogue for barefoot horses
has taken hold. There is now a sizable following
of horse owners who will only leave their horses
barefoot and swear by this practice.

On the other hand is a group of horse owners who
will always shod their horses. They think that
it is very cruel to make a horse go through rough
terrains barefooted, especially during trail
riding. Horseshoes can protect a horse's hooves
from foreign objects such as rocks from cutting
and injuring them.

Let's take a closer look at the benefits of
having shod and barefoot horses.

Shod Horses

- Domestic horses are mainly kept indoors on
softer ground for long period of time, therefore
are unlikely to develop a strong hoof on their

- Horses who work primarily in wet areas with
soft soils and few rocks are less likely to wear
their hooves down properly in a natural way.

- A horse with soft hoof would not be able to
handle hard unforgiving terrains. Her hooves
would be injured and could result to lameness

- Horses not given a proper diet that mimics a
wild diet in that it includes all the nutrients a
wild horse would naturally encounter are likely
to develop hoof problems that could cause pain
and lameness without the protection of a

- Over breeding of horses without due concern for
hoof quality has created a reliance on shoes in
certain breeds of horses.

Barefoot Horses

- Those who supported having the "natural"
barefooted horse believe strongly that a horse
will wear its hooves down naturally.

- A barefoot hoof is likely to develop a strong
hoof wall that will withstand abuse in the right

- Giving the right balance diet will reduce the
possibility of debilitating foot conditions.

- Some horse owners claimed that they have horses
who used to have serious problems with their
hooves. However, once they are left barefooted,
their hooves begin to form strongly.

No matter whether you choose to shod or leave
your horse barefooted, it is vital to engage a
reputable farrier. Unless your horse leads a
life similar to a wild horse with the freedom to
run on hard packed terrain for up to eighteen
hours a day, chances are she needs her hooves
trim regularly.

A shod horse's hooves need to be trimmed such
that it fits the shoe properly. These horses
usually have hooves that are trimmed with more of
a pointed toe such that a horse's weight strikes
the tow first before rolling back.

Many barefoot farriers will trim your horse's
hooves based on many factors including its diet,
lifestyle, activities, age and etc. Some
farriers will give your horse a "mustang trim"
that most closely resembles the wear seen on wild
mustangs in the American West.

While the thinking behind this seems logical, it
is worth noting that this style of hoof most
benefits the wild mustangs on which it is found
naturally and your horse likely does not live the
same style of life that a wild mustang lives.

Horses communicate with their facial expressions
and you can determine their moods by observing
their nostrils, eyes and ears. You can visit our
site to learn more about horse health and horse

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