Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Article From SubmitYOURArticle.com: Sponsor A Puppy To Become A Guide Dog

Are you looking to make a difference to someone's
life but dont know how? One of the most needy
charities right now is the Guide Dog for the
Blind Association, they are seeking donors for
guide dog sponsoring. Sponsoring a puppy's
training is a long process, as it takes up to two
years to be able to properly train a dog.
Therefore, by choosing to sponsor one, youll be
doing a great service to the more than 10,000
blind people in the UK currently without a helper

Anyone can be a guide dog sponsor by providing
their personal details and spending 5 pounds a
month by direct debit, or as much as they can
afford to give. All of your money will go to be
spent on training the puppy you choose, so you
can be sure its money well spent. Your puppy
sponsorship will be a truly worthwhile
experience, as you'll be able to receive regular
'pupdates on the progress he/she is making with
training, as well as photos every few months so
you can see how your puppy grows!. All donors who
decide to sponsor a puppy will receive a puppy
pack on receipt of their first donation, which
includes photos of the puppy, an album to keep
them in, a free puppy calendar, a certificate and
a car window sticker.

Although you might want to visit your puppy and
see it for yourself, this won't be possible as
there simply isn't enough time to waste during
its training period. However, you will be kept up
to date about your puppy's progress with the
monthly pupdates. The training period and your
sponsorship will continue for 2 years, and by the
time that it is over, no doubt youll be very
attached to your puppy, which is why well inform
you about the new home your puppy is going to be
sent to and the person he/she will help. The
excellent, charitable service you are doing by
sponsoring a puppy is going to make you feel very
proud, of that we have no doubt. Sponsor a Puppy
is an official charity that is ran by The Guide
Dogs for the Blind Association. They provide a
service for the many blind people in the UK, and
with your help they can continue doing so. If you
need a cause to support, then what better choice
than to help a blind person by sponsoring a dog,
its a really effective way to make a big
difference in their lives.

Andrew Jamaz writes articles for the Sponsor A
Guide Dog website at
http://www.sponsoraguidedog.co.uk/ . For more of
his expert reviews, please click the link to
visit our website.

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