Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Article From A Chicken Coop?

A trip through any number of neighborhoods these
days will bring to light the fact that some folks
have set up a backyard chicken coop. (where not
in contravention of local bylaws of course)

All across the land there has been an amazing
resurgence of the ages old activity of chicken
farming. People everywhere are taking a renewed
interest in having a backyard flock. It is a
truly amazing phenomenon.

The obvious question is--why are so many folks
attracted to backyard chicken farming?

There are a range of reasons, but here are a few
of the main ones.

Just like an herb-garden-- raising chickens can
be done on the small-scale, even in many urban
areas, by just about anyone. It's not an
expensive hobby, nor is it time-consuming, or
difficult to learn.

Chickens raised at home don't have antibiotics
and other drugs which are normally given to the
chickens raised in factory farms.

In our harried lives the ability to be able to
just sit, relax and watch chickens peck, cluck
and forage around the yard is an inviting idea.
In an age of high stress, high blood pressure,
high cholesterol-- anything that helps reduce
anxiety is welcome.

It's a well known fact that when folks associate
with pets their blood pressure goes down.

Nursing homes have taken to having regular cat
and/or dog visits with the residents of the home.
People who have an opportunity to hold and stroke
the animals do experience reduced stress and
anxiety after these visits.

Although there doesn't seem to be any definitive
evidence that chicken offers the same benefits. I
believe cuddling and stroking a chicken has the
very same effect.

The point is that raising chickens has a whole
bunch of pluses.

If you want really contented chickens you will
need to provide a suitable place for them to live.

A good quality chicken coop to securely house
your chickens-- can be constructed easily by the
average person with no special construction
skills, using simple tools and recycled materials
very quickly.

Contented unstressed chickens produce high
quality poultry meat, eggs and they provide great

You can of course spend a bunch of money and buy
a chicken coop (be careful to make sure you can
fit it through any garden gates, past fences).
Or you can build your own, which is something I
do recommend for a several reasons one being it
really reduces your costs.

Another very good reason for building your own
chicken coop, it gives you a better awareness of
the needs of chickens. So you just naturally take
that into account and provide a better home for
your flock.

Get the plans you need and build yours today!

Jasper White has constructed a terrific free
resource at for
insightful tips and info on planning, building,
and caring for a great chicken coop visit Today!

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