Sunday, November 7, 2010

Article From Things to Consider Before Buying a Dog

There's no doubt about it - owning a dog is a
very enriching experience. Dogs will give you
unconditional love. In their eyes we can do no
wrong. Many experts agree that having a dog can
be therapeutic. When looking into those big,
soulful eyes filled with devotion, who can doubt

A dog is always happy to see you and will openly
show its happiness with excited tail wagging and
little leaps of pleasure. Plus you'd be hard
pressed to find a better way to spend a cold
winter's evening than curled up in a cosy spot
with your dog nestled beside you.

However, buying a dog is a big decision and not
something you should do on the spur of the moment.

Before you commit to buying a dog, ask yourself
why you want to have one. Are you looking for
companionship, perhaps a deterrent to burglars?
The reasons you come up with will help you to
determine what type of dog is best suited for you.

There are pros and cons for buying male or female
dogs. If you are not considering buying a dog for
breeding purposes, you should seriously consider
getting the dog neutered. But be warned, this can
be more expensive for the female of the species.

This leads us on to the costs of dog ownership.
It's not just the initial purchase cost - often
this is the minor cost. Consider that dogs need
lots of accessories - leads, beds, toys, a
variety of food and registration, for example.
Veterinary costs can be quite high, especially in
the case of emergencies. Even regular check-ups
can eat into your budget. But the costs will be
repaid over and over again by your furry friend.

A dog will take up a lot of your time. There's no
getting around that fact. From the initial period
when your dog is just a puppy, you'll need to
spend time on training, both house training and
general obedience training. And as the dog grows
up, you'll spend a lot of time exercising it.
Good for you and the dog, but remember that
you'll need to go out with your dog at least once
each day. On the plus side, think of the savings
on gym fees!

You also need to consider the role the dog will
play in your family. If you decide that you want
the dog to be a companion for your children, you
can bet your life that eventually they will gain
new interests, leaving you to take care of the
dog. But your children will gain immeasurably
from the interaction, love and responsibility
they will experience with a dog in the home.

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