Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Best Dog Food Review - Homemade Dog Treats

By Geraldine Dimarco

If the way to a man's heart is through his stomach-the same goes for his canine friend. While there are many store bought pet feed that are available to the easily swayed mammal-tasty homemade dog treats are way better to give. Not only are they yummy, they are also beneficial to the doggie's over-all health.

Fear not-homemade fare shouldn't be any more difficult than making a simple batch of cookies. Easy homemade dog treats recipes are accessible to just about anybody who wants to learn about it. Look for reliable canine websites created by experts and experienced dog owners will most likely have excellent recipes that you can use to whip up something special for your friend.

Before you do anything, go to the vet and get a thorough check-up for the canine. This will let you know if he has any existing illness that you should know about. When you do, you can then create a proper diet suitable for him. You may not know it but if he has a particular condition, what he eats affects his general lifestyle and you must take extra care to keep away from the bad stuff. Conversely, specific food will also help improve his health.

Research the food you put in the meals you serve your pet. There are many food substances that are very harmful to the dog's system when ingested. Garlic in small quantities are beneficial to the canine; but when given in large quantities, will prove toxic to them. You should also avoid caffeine, grapes and nuts, citrus oils, baby food, onion, nuts, mushrooms and chocolates.

Nobody knows your pet like you do so take special note of his particular taste in food and look for ways to satisfy his palate. It is recommended that 1/3 of his meal is starch based while 2/3 are meat, with healthy servings of vegetables and fruit mixed in. Some people prefer to serve the meat raw; while some believe cooking them thoroughly is important. Either way, make sure that the pieces are cut into small enough pieces to eliminate the possibility of the dog choking on his food.

Homemade dog treats can be served fresh or stored-for our convenience. If you want to store them, cook and combine all the ingredients and keep them in the freezer until needed. As we have mentioned earlier, dog food isn't all that complicated. It can be as easy as cutting up sausages into small chunks. Take them out of the fridge to thaw before feeding them to Fido.

When you want to change your pet's diet from processed to homemade-do so gradually. Combine the fresh produce together with the dry feed, increasing the latter kind until it is all that they consume. As with any significant change in your dog, consult a trusted vet for his advice and recommendation.

Every pet owner can do these easy homemade dog treats anytime. They are not only healthier-your dog will surely enjoy expecting a yummy treat from you. Look around for tasty canine recipes and find out just how fun it is to have a happy dog at home.

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