Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Few Quick Tip For Puppies Training

So you finally got that floppy puppy, now you
need tips for puppies training before it turns
into a love hate relationship. Starting early by
setting boundaries and learning basics is an
excellent idea, especially if you have a breed
which has obedience issues or will grow to a
large dog. Everyone loves a well trained canine.

House training is always a major concern for
owners. This is a frustrating feat to accomplish
for both owner and dog. A key thing to remember
is that the dog may need up to two years to have
control of their bowels and bladder. This means
many outside trips, often every two hours to

First realize the triggers that will make the
puppy need to urinate or defecate. Activity will
certainly cause a puppy to need to use the
bathroom, so if not playing outside, take the
little one out just prior to and right after
play. Some pups will need a good 10 to 15
minutes to realize what they are out for.

When you take the puppy outside to do their
business, always take them to the same spot this
is a great tip. Recognition of an area will help
the process. As soon as the dog begins to squat,
praise them and identify what they are doing,
such as "Good pee" or "Good poo".

Watch your new puppy closely, circling or
sniffing is a sign they need to go out. If you
catch them in the act give a very firm "No!" and
take them immediately out, and praise them when
they start again outside. Do not swat the animal
even if you find a present after the fact, you
must just grit your teeth and clean the mess up.

Sitting is an excellent command and one of the
strongest tips for puppies training. To teach a
dog to sit will need the use a treat. Hold the
treat directly in front of the canine then
slowly move it backward over their head. As an
added incentive you can gently push down on the
hind quarters, as you say the word, "Sit". Once
in the seated position, immediately give the
treat to the dog.

Sit is the starting command which leads to other
training. A dog can be trained to stop jumping by
using the command, "Sit". When the dog is seated
then give it attention. As soon as it breaks the
sit stop giving it attention. Regular use will
prompt the dog to sit for attention.

The lay command is taught from the sit as well.
While the dog is seated place another treat in
front of it, as the puppy reaches for it slowly
pull the treat to the floor as you say "Lay" or
"Down". Once the dog is down give it the treat

Everyone enjoys a well trained puppy. A canine's
behavior is directly associated with their owner,
and in some cases can lead to lawsuits or
exclusion from activities making it an extremely
important responsibility of dog ownership. These
are just a few quick tips for puppies training.

Training a puppy can be challenging, but the
rewards are priceless. Let the professional
experts in animal care train your dog in
learning what is acceptable behaviour, and
boundaries that should never be crossed.

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