Wednesday, June 29, 2011

If You Really Love Your Horse Build A Metal Horse Barn!

You love your horse, make sure they're protected
during storm season by building a safe and
sustainable metal horse barn.

You've been a 'horse person' all your life.
From the time you were a little person until
today as an adult, you have loved horses and
been an equestrian enthusiast for as long as you
can remember! Now that you have your own horses,
it's time you learned how to properly take care
of them and guarantee their safety by housing
them in a metal horse barn!

If you truly care about your animals, horses
should NEVER be left to house in traditional
wooden structures. Wooden barns and stables are
prone to rot, insect damage, and can be crushed
like a house of cards should a strong wind storm
come along. The last thing you need is the roof
of your stable coming down on your stallion or
mare! Luckily steel buildings for horse barn
construction are incredibly affordable and an
easy choice to make.

Metal horse barns can come in many colors and
styles, but all of them come STRONG, and are
tested against winds of 150-160 MPH. That means
that during a tornado your horse may be safe
compared to the weak structural integrity of a
wooden horse barn! Steel never rots, so
precipitation pouring down on it will never
cause the roof or side supports to rot through,
like you may encounter on an old wooden barn.
Steel is definitely the right choice for
weather-related animal safety.

Steel horse stables and horse barns can come in
almost any length, and that provides you with a
huge amount of space in which to ride your steed
or engage in dressage! Not only are they lengthy,
but they can be built high allowing for overhead
hay and grain storage, saving you money and
space so you dont have to build a feed silo!

In addition to all of the safety reasons
regarding building a metal horse barn instead of
a wooden horse stable building, there's cost.
Steel buildings are an incredible money saver!
While they not only cost less to erect
comparitevly, they also require little
maintenance over their entire life as a
structure, meaning you save a ton on repairs.
Wooden barns require YEARLY maintenance to make
sure they stay up to snuff, but steel buildings
for horse barns generally require almost no
repair support and are often warrantied for up
to 25 years! That's a long time to not have to
spend ANY money!

If you truly care about your horse, make sure
you house it properly in a metal horse barn or
steel horse stable. There's no reason not too.
Metal horse barns are more affordable than
traditional wooden structures and they require
virtually no maintenance. That saves you a lot
of money and gives you a lot more time to spend
with your beautiful horse!

I have spent the last ten years trying to explain
the benefits of building metal horse barns and
steel buildings and metal garages instead of
traditional wooden structures. The best deals I
have ever found on metal horse barns and steel
horse barn kits are at the Rocket Steel
Buildings site. They can be found here at

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