Saturday, July 9, 2011

Basic Tips For Effective Labrador Training

Labrador training is a crucial responsibility
every pet owner must carry out. It is important
that you take into account the training and
other needs of a dog before you bring home one.
If training is done successfully, it'll surely
lead to a well-behaved dog everybody loves to be
around. But be reminded that training is not a
one-time process nor a one-week non-stop
activity. Successful training is reached with
time using the most effective and useful dog
training methods.

Since the labrador is considered as one of the
most intelligent and greatly adaptable breeds,
it's not impossible to train your dog to do
various tasks such as agility, disabled
assistance, search and rescue operations,
hunting, therapy work and many others. But
before your pet can perform these duties in
flying colors, they have to undergo basic
labrador training first.

Learn the basic tips for effective training:

Start training as soon as you bring him home.

The best time to start training your pet is
immediately after you bring him home. Through
this, he'll get used to the new environment you
brought him into. During these period, it is
best to get him accustomed to things, places and
other stuff he may come across with in the
future. Introduce him to old pets and expose him
to kids, other people outside the family
including the delivery guy and places such as
the park and vet clinic. Furthermore, early
training reduces the chances of your dog to
develop bad habits that can be difficult to

Keep training but make it short and enjoyable.

Labrador training doesn't end once your pet has
learned the commands you want him to learn. Keep
training and enforce the commands to your day to
day activities but be sure that training
sessions should not last for over 20 minutes to
prevent your pet from getting bored.

Train with consistency and determination.

It's extremely hard to gain successful training
result if you're not consistent and determined
enough. Lack of consistency is more likely to
confuse your pet while lack of determination can
lead you to quit training or worse, abandon your

Reward good behavior.

Promote desirable behavior by rewarding your pet
each time he did something desirable. Be it
treats or praise, giving of reward is one of the
best strategies to let your pet know that you are
happy with what he did.

Kate Truman shares helpful Labrador training
tips. Know more from her by visiting her site
about Labrador training at

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