Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dog Poop Bags Holder Is Needed For Puppy Leash Training

When you take your dog for a walk it should be a
pleasurable experience. The best way to to make
sure this happens is to familiarize your puppy
with the leash and yourself with your dog poop
bags holder as early as possible. You will not
need to retrain your dog and yourself later, if
you learn these skills right from the start. It
is definitely worth your time and bit of energy
to develop these skills now.

Always remember that you are the leader and it
is up to you to lead your dog. Good
communication is the key. Be consistent and make
sure all of your family is consistent. It is a
learning curve for everyone. Everyone needs to
follow the same techniques or it will lead to
total confusion for your puppy. Total training
time may take up to two weeks and maybe longer.
All dogs are different. Adapting to your
particular pet and your patience are important.

*Familiarize Your Pup With A Collar

The first step in leash training is to get your
puppy used to a collar. Pups are not used to
having anything around their necks, so anything
you place there will seem feel alien. Place it
on your pup when he is eating or playing. Expect
him to try to remove it by pawing at it or
rolling around. Do not remove the collar at this
stage or he will think that fighting the collar
worked. Continue with distracting him and he
will eventually forget that the collar is on.
You can take the collar off when he is settled
down and relaxed. This process should be
repeated throughout the day and eventually your
puppy will be comfortable wearing the collar.

*Now Add The Leash

Once your puppy is happy wearing his collar, it
is time to introduce the leash. Do not add the
dog poop bags holder at this time. Attach a
lightweight leash to your pup's collar and let
him roam around the house. Some puppies seem
overwhelmed by an entire leash at first. If so,
you can start with a string, shoelace or
something similar. Let your pup wander around
the house and play with it. Keep an eye on him
so he doesn't become entangled. If your puppy
fusses over the leash by biting or pawing at it,
simply try your best to distract him with food or
play. Do not remove it if he is obsessed over it
or he will think that he has won.

After your puppy becomes comfortable with the
leash, you can pick up the other end of it. Make
these first sessions short, sharp and fun. Always
make sure you are holding the leash loosely. You
will probably find that your pup loves to follow
you around everywhere - that is good and use this
to help with the training. If your puppy is
walking beside you on a loose leash, give him
plenty of praise and maybe a treat. When he
strains on the leash, stop immediately. Do not
yank him back over to you with the leash. Call
him back to you and praise him when he comes.
Never keep walking if your pup is straining on
the leash - this only reinforces his bad habit
and rewards his behavior. When you stop when
your puppy starts straining on the leash, he
will eventually learn that when he pulls and
yanks on the leash that he will get nowhere. He
will quickly learn that if he wants to continue
walking he must be at your side on a loose
leash. This also applies if your puppy sits down
when you are walking. Do not yank him up. Simply
call him over to you and reward him with praise
and a treat and set off walking again with your
pup on a loose leash at your side. Follow this
method and you will have a nice loose leash and
no pulling from you or your dog.

*Attach Dog Poop Bags Holder

Now you are ready to venture outside. Attach
your dog poop bags holder at this time. It is a
fantastic dog leash accessory. There are many
great varieties available. Some are attached up
near the loop of the leash. Others are attached
down near the collar of the dog or possibly
mid-leash. Some of the newer holders can be
moved to various positions. Make sure your poop
pouch contains a supply of empty poop bags.

There will be more distractions for your puppy
outside. Start on a driveway or sidewalk where
the distractions are minimized. Repeat the
methods you have practiced indoors. If your pup
starts to pull, simply stop in your tracks. With
practice, your pup will eventually learn that you
are the one leading him. When he is doing a good
job remember to praise him with encouraging
words and a treat.

If your pup decides to squat and dispel his
poop, you will always be prepared with your dog
poop bags holder. Simply remove one of the dog
poop bags, invert it, pick up the poop,
re-invert it, tie a knot in the bag and gently
place it back in your poop pouch. Simply apply
the hand sanitizer which is conveniently
available in your pouch to ensure your hands are
clean. The necessity of sanitizing our hands
after handling dog poop is becoming increasingly
common as the health hazards of dog waste are
becoming widely known. This is a practice which
you must learn from the start and it will then
become a routine habit for you. The other
commonsense habit you have gained by using your
poop bags holder is to carry your full dog poop
bags in a secure pocket where they are protected
from breakage. Finally, you have learned to
discreetly carry your poop bags down the street
in a designer dog poop bags holder, rather than
having them dangling unsafely and disgustingly
from your hand or your leash. Picking up puppy
waste has become more convenient, discreet and
sanitary and as your puppy grows, picking up dog
waste will follow the same pattern.

One of the key things to remember in all of
this new training is that if you start early, it
will make everything easier later on in your
pet's life. If it seems like a lot of effort,
you are absolutely correct. Raising a puppy is a
lot of effort. Your puppy and you are constantly
learning. It is actually less work, much more
fun and more successful in the long haul to
shape the learning in the right direction. If
you do a good job of conditioning your puppy to
use the leash, you have already tackled many
important dog behaviors. If you do a good job of
instructing yourself in the many benefits of
using a dog poop bags holder you have also
tackled many personal, community, legal and
health issues which you will encounter as a dog

Please consider this unique dog poop bags holder
which is the discreet way to carry your dog poop
bag and other needed items. This convenient poop
pouch will safely carry your full poop bags,
empty waste bags, dog training supplies and an
inverted bottle of hand sanitizer. It also has a
clip for a dog poop bags dispenser, keys or a
flashlight. Carry your dog waste bags and more -
convenient, discreet and sanitary.<br

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