Friday, July 1, 2011

Dog Separation Anxiety - Knowing the Reasons Why It Transpires

Copyright (c) 2011 Joe Maldonado

Dog separation anxiety, as what most dog owners
recognized, could cause a lot of problem to your
family, to your neighbours and most especially to
your dog. This term refers to a condition where
your dog misses you so much that he would start
to do destructive behaviours to let you know
that he is upset and also to get your attention.
To most dog owners, this condition is not a
burden if it is still in its early stage or just
simple case of separation anxiety. However, most
dog owners also fail to realize that when these
simple cases were left unattended, it could
escalate into an extreme case where your dog
will inhibit destructive patterns of behaviour
such as scratching your furniture, urinating and
defecating anywhere in your house and sometimes,
they would hurt themselves by chewing on their
paws or their tails.

Because of this fact, it is significantly
important that dog owners should know if their
dog suffers from dog separation anxiety. Knowing
it would greatly help their dog from having too
much stress and preventing it from escalating to
something more dangerous that could make the
owner decide to abandon their dog. Thus,
spotting the symptoms first hand could help save
your dog from suffering in this condition.

These are the early symptoms that you need to
check if your dog is exhibiting such behaviour.
Most of the dogs that has dog separation anxiety
will show early signs of such condition. These
early signs range from your dog getting upset
whenever you go outside of the house, whenever
you leave him alone in the room, whenever you
walk out of your house. When we say upset, this
means that your dog becomes overly excited and
would be whining and barking whenever you do the
above-mentioned things. Additionally, when you
get back or when you arrived, your dog will be
overly excited for longer period of times and it
will take longer time to calm him down. If the
above scenarios happened, you should be aware
that your dog is suffering from the early
symptoms of separation anxiety.

However, when you can see that your dog is
urinating and defecating anywhere in the house,
would chew on almost anything, from your shoes,
socks, any clothes, to garbage cans, furniture,
would scratch your walls especially the door,
and would whine and bark all the time that you
are away, these are the signs that your dog has
a serious case of separation anxiety. Attend to
this problem right away so as to avoid
escalating the problem to a destructive level
such as your dog chewing on their body parts
such as paws, tails or just any part of their

However, before you could do any method to cure
your dog's condition, it is imperative that you
should completely understand the reasons why
your dog has suffered from separation anxiety.
First and foremost, you have to check his
background. This means that you need to know the
psychology of how his breed behaves, whether his
breed is a submissive one or whether his breed
behaves like an Alpha dog. Knowing this stuff is
important since through this information, you
could know how to deal with your dog. Submissive
dogs view their owner as the pack leader and they
would get upset when they leave. But with Alpha
dogs or the dominant ones, they will view their
owner as part of their pack and they will get
upset if the owner will leave without his

Thus, knowing how to treat your dog according to
their breed's psychology would greatly help in
saving them from suffering of dog separation
anxiety. On the other hand, you also need to
check if your dog came from a pet shop, whether
he is early separated from his mother, whether
he has been abandoned by his owner before, and
whether he suffered from any traumatic
experiences. Dogs who had suffered the
above-mentioned scenarios have a big tendency of
suffering from this condition. If they do, then
knowing this information would greatly help your
dog by treating them the right way.

Next, find out more about Separation Anxiety in
Dogs by visiting

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