Saturday, July 9, 2011

Top Five Labrador Retriever Training Mistakes You Aren't Supposed to Make

Dog training can be difficult especially to new
owners but that's not the case with labrador
retriever training. Successful training outcome
is not impossible to achieve for there are
various training techniques proven to help you
train your beloved pet. However, you should also
be familiar with the training mistakes so that
you will be able to avoid them should they

Physical punishment

Training can be frustrating at times
particularly if your dog has stubborn
disposition. But even if you are at your wits
end, never ever hit or smack him should he fail
to obey what you're asking him to perform. He'll
not know that he's being punished for not knowing
how to sit or come or for urinating in the family
room while you're not at home. Rather than
improve the situation, he may associate the
hitting or smacking to training therefore making
him afraid of it.

Lengthy training sessions

Though a labrador retriever is capable of
intense focus especially if the interest is
caught, we can't deny the truth that dogs have
short attention span. That's why most experts
recommend that labrador retriever training
sessions should last for 10 to 15 minutes only.
Training activities must also be fun and
challenging enough in order to encourage your

Untimely correction

Correct your dog only when you catch him in the
act of doing the mistake. Giving correction two
hours or even 30 minutes after the deed is done
will do you no good since your dog won't
understand what the correction is for. The
simplest way to correct your dog is to keep an
eye on your dog and act right away when you see
him about to do something undesirable. Through
this, he'll be able to associate the correction
with the right deed.

Using different training phrases

Using different terms can be confusing to your
pet. For instance, if you use "come" command
during training, you have to be consistent in
using it. Using "come here" or "come boy" may
mean an entirely different command to him.

Neglecting to recognize good behavior

Every good behavior must be recognized and
rewarded to make it clear to your dog that you
are pleased with what he did. Doing so will not
only make him happy but is also more likely to
motivate him to repeat doing the behavior he's
being rewarded for. Reward doesn't always need
to be delicious treats or new toys. A pat in the
back, time to play and plenty of praises ought to
be enough.

Kate Truman is a long time dog owner who has been
writing Labrador Retriever training articles.
Check out her site
to find out more about Labrador Retriever

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