Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Features to Look for in Your Dog Carriers

Nobody wants to leave their beloved family pet
behind while they go out. Whether you are
heading out to the store and don't want your
pooch to miss you while you are gone for a few
hours, or whether you are planning a big plane
trip and don't want to leave your pup in the
care of a kennel, you likely want to avoid
putting you and your pet through that stress.
The good news is that there are many different
dog carriers available on the market today, and
when you take the time to find the perfect one,
you can absolutely bring your furry companion
with you wherever you may travel! There are some
features you will want to look for as you shop
around to ensure that you get the perfect tote:

Ventilation: Whether you live in a warm climate
or a cool climate, the last thing you want is for
your beloved pup to be struggling for air or to
feel claustrophobic inside your carrying case.
This can make your pup overly anxious, and it
can also even bring on a bout of doggy sickness,
too! So as you shop around for dog carriers, pay
special attention to the ventilation. Ideally,
you will want to find models and styles that
offer a cross-breeze of ventilation by offering
screened-in windows on multiple sides of the
case. An added benefit is that your pup will be
able to see what's going on in the world around
him and this will decrease the anxiety a bit.

Support: Take a moment to consider what life
would be like for you if you were put inside a
carrying bag. When that bag is picked up, do you
want to have a supportive base to sit on so that
you aren't crumpled up into an uncomfortable
ball? Absolutely! Each pooch has a different
weight, so your pet may need a more supportive
bag than another pooch needs. Be sure not to
guess on the weight of your pup. It's best to
know your pooch's weight accurately and then
find a bag that offers the support he or she
needs based on weight.

Your Comfort: Keep in mind that your comfort
matters when it comes to dog carriers, too. Many
smaller pups that fit into these carrying bags
will weigh between 10 and even 20 or more
pounds! Consider for a moment how uncomfortable
carrying that weight on your shoulder may feel
after just a few minutes. Some bags are designed
with comfort in mind, offering you extra padding
on the shoulder strap as well as an extra-wide
strap, too. Others are designed to be carried
with a handle and don't offer a shoulder strap
at all. Keep in mind how you intend to use the
bag and how long you will be toting it around at
a time in order to determine which is right for
you. Find Your Style. While there are many
different dog carriers on the market today, the
fact is that it can be pretty difficult to find
a great style and model that is attractive to
carry and that is comfortable for both you and
your beloved pet. However, when you take the
time to find the perfect one for you and your
doggy, you will be able to travel more
conveniently with your pooch to different
locations near and far!

If the idea of leaving your pet at a boarding
kennel is not appealing to you then you might
want to consider investing in a good dog carrier
so you can take your pet with you when you

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