Saturday, September 24, 2011

Great tips for looking after kittens and puppies

By Evan Gill

Kittens are very popular pets to own and millions of households all over the world own cats; therefore, there are many different care tips that you will need to understand. Although kittens make great animals to have in the house, you have to understand that they do grow up and will be dependent on you for many years.

All new puppies and kittens take a great deal of care, especially in the first few weeks of them coming home. Everything will be new and strange to them, and if they are very young it can all be very daunting. You will need to appreciate the level of care that kittens take and the commitment that you are embarking on for life.

Before rushing out to acquire your new kittens you have to look closely at your lifestyle and if kittens and cats will fit. If you work a great deal, or have a hectic lifestyle getting a new pet may not be suitable. You also have to consider if you have any other pets, and what age your children are to ensure that the kittens will be suitable.

Although many people get kittens for very young children, this can be a huge mistake due to the lack of understanding from the child. Kittens do not like to be pulled around and although they are playful, once they turn into fully grown cats they become very independent. Often children feel cats are boring and will begin to ignore them, as they do not want to play.

You should take plenty of time to choose the new kittens to ensure that they are healthy, happy and will fit in your home. If your household is noisy and boisterous, choosing a kitten that is shy and cowers in the corner will not be suitable. You also need to ensure that their eyes are bright, and their coats are shiny.

Taking your puppies or kittens home is a big step, and everything should be in place for their arrival. You will want them to be comfortable and happy from day one, introducing them slowly to any other pets in the house. Kittens are very curious creatures, and you will want to ensure that your house is safe for them to play within.

Kittens and puppies will sleep for huge amounts of time in the early days of coming home, and they should be left to settle in at their own pace. After a few days, you will find that they begin to be more alert and playful. They will venture out and begin to explore their new home, and the people that live there.

You will need to ensure that all of your kitten's vaccinations are up to date, and as soon as possible you must have them sterilized. This will ensure that your cats do not breed and create a larger problem than already exists. There are thousands of abandoned kittens and cats in the world; therefore, it is always advised to adopt, rather than buy from a pet store.

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