Monday, September 26, 2011

Keep Your Pet Dog Happy With Bowhill Boarding Kennels Brisbane

By Greg Abood

The introduction of a brand new pet to a family brings a great deal of fun and excitement. Over the period of time, your pet turns out to be an inseparable part of your family. As this attachment strengthens, your pet can build on a sense of possessiveness and protectiveness. Not trained properly this can result in your dog developing nervousness over your absence, immaterial of how long you are away. Now we all understand that despite how much we value our pets, most of us have other things to concentrate on too.

But how can we guarantee that our pets are cheerful in our absence? If your pet does display signs of stress, altering their behavior can take time. With some expert training or - should you need to leave your pet for a longer time at a Boarding Kennels Brisbane it is possible to bring up a pet that is well adjusted and happy.

Your dog's behavioral patterns begin to form right from its birth. In that first year it is significant that you focus on some elements of their behavior. Dogs are basically pack animals and are instinctively dominating. When you get home a pet dog, you and your family constitute its pack. Unless trained otherwise, your pet will naturally try to take charge. If your dog feels like the leader, with no pack to be in charge of in your absence it can get very nervous and distressed. This sense of anxiety can lead to aggressive behavior like growling and barking. Or it might lead to attention seeking behavior like pawing, and being excessively excited.

With most behavioral issues, prevention is often better than the cure. In this instance it is important to let your dog know that you are the alpha in the pack. Practice leaving your pet - begin with very short durations initially and extend these times out gradually. Try not to chase your pup when it cries as this reinforces the behavior. Reward your pet for being good and ignore bad behavior. This way it will understand what is expected and will start behaving in the right way.

Socialising can even go a long way to assist mold your dog's behavior. Letting it interact with many other puppies and people will give the animal a better sense of its place in the pack. This will bring a general sense of protection to the animal implying that it will be happier in your absence. Leaving your pet at Dog Boarding Kennels is an incredible way to socialize your animal. Your pet will not only get pleasure from the experience, the best kennel can actually help your pet's behavior as they are getting trained with interaction with other dogs. The best part is you can expect a much happier animal after a visit to Bowhill Boarding Kennels Brisbane.

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