Thursday, September 22, 2011

Labrador Retriever Training Solutions: Learn How To Avert Dog Biting

Are you one of the many troubled labrador owners
who are trying to keep your dog from biting?
Well, keep in mind that all breeds of dogs will
always have the tendency to bite; particularly
if they feel stressed or threatened. And even
the most outgoing labrador retriever could
become very aggravating and dangerous. Luckily,
dog biting is an issue that you can easily avoid
through the help of many efficient labrador
retriever training tips and solutions. Listed
here are some of the simplest but most
beneficial tips and advices:

1. Socialize properly

Failure to effectively socialize your labrador
pet might cause a lot of troubles and accidents;
you will definitely have a difficult time
managing your pet should you overlook the
importance of proper socialization. You may have
to endure many annoying behavior problems,
particularly those that could gradually trigger
biting and other forms of violent tendencies.
Hence, it is vital that you do proper
socialization routines, especially if you've
noticed your dog showing some indicators of
dominance and aggression. The earlier that you
appropriately socialize your labrador, the more
likely he is to grow outgoing and well-mannered.

2. Have an understanding of body language

Did you know that your dog's body language plays
a significant role in any labrador training
program? Indeed, it is a good idea that you
learn how to understand your labrador's body
language; particularly if you're planning to
undertake dog training for agility courses. This
is because dogs converse through their body
language, movements or gestures. It is through
your dog's body language that you can figure out
what he thinks or feels, especially throughout
your training sessions. Such could give you
signals regarding your labrador's behaviors.
Your capability to comprehend will help you
effortlessly work out what must be done.

3. Do proper obedience training

Training your labrador retriever for obedience
lessons can tremendously help not just in
preventing dog biting but also in eliminating
stubbornness and disobedience. The sooner you
conduct dog training for obedience, the more
responsible and well-mannered your pet becomes.
You can easily make your dog stop from getting
violent toward something or someone, keep him
from being dominant, command him to perform
amazing tricks. Keep in mind that obedience
training is the start of all trainings, and it
should be managed constantly.

4. Say NO to punishments, and YES to positive

In fact, harsh punitive measures won't help you
at all. Hitting or scolding your dog for every
wrong thing done will only aggravate his
behaviors. Biting issues will only elevate and
bring about further problems. Therefore, focus
on preventing behavior problems through the
introduction of positive traits and the
application of positive reinforcements such as
praise, rewards or treats. Do your best to
inculcate positive behaviors, and modify
unpleasant ones through proper means. Do not
give your dog reasons to rebel or act in a
hostile manner. Instead, exude a positive, warm

5. Join a dog training class or hire a trainer.
Search for a legitimate labrador retriever
training class or club so that you will have
more probabilities of obtaining all the benefits
and results that you're hoping for. Doing so will
help you get more helpful ideas and alternatives,
particularly in terms of handling biting and
barking issues. The guidance and supervision of
a reliable dog trainer will surely make it
easier and more enjoyable to do many different
training courses. You also get to interact with
a lot of other fervent dog owners. So if you
have the means, why settle for anything less?

Kate Truman is a highly-regarded writer of lots
of excellent labrador retriever training
articles and blog posts. She shares a wide range
of impressive labrador retriever training
guidelines and techniques to those who want to
effectively train their dogs. For more
information, go to

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