Thursday, September 22, 2011

Raising Chickens In the City - Best Way To Begin If You Are Interested To Start A Chicken Farm

By Bob Pearson

If you're interested in venturing on a small chicken farming home business, you can start by being a contract grower of a big supplier. Note that at this time, the key players of the poultry industry are already in place. If you want to make it big, get into a relatively huge farm raising chickens in city and learn the mazes of the business by being a grower.Starting small by selling chicken eggs and meat to relatives, friends, and neighbors won't do the trick.

Established chicken farms can serve the needs of big food businesses and corporations. These farms have their own breeding spaces, hatcheries, rearing coops, and slaughter houses. In other words, they are self-sufficient and can work on their own without difficulty in resources. They know what feeds to provide, what animal medications to use, how to improve the grow-out facilities, and how to manage people. Knowing how the business works will definitely train you on selling and raising chickens in city farms, handling business negotiations and keeping a network of industry contacts.

Because they mostly serve the needs of the biggest food companies, huge poultry farms sometimes cannot accommodate the demand of their clients, and because of this they have to partner with smaller chicken farming businesses that can provide steady supply of chicken meat. This is where the opportunity comes in. The contract will state the specific quantity of birds you have to provide, the price to be charged for each bird, and all other responsibilities that your business and the poultry farm must fulfill.When you agree to become a partner grower of a poultry company, you will be offered a contract asking for a significant number of chickens you have to rear and deliver in exchange of a price.

The best place for raising chickens in city are real estate within the vicinity of a huge poultry farm. Note that big-time suppliers want to be close to their partner growers as much as possible, so those home businesses within a few kilometer-radius of the farm will definitely have an advantage.

Also note that the location does not necessarily have to be scenic or countryside-like. The most important aspects in raising chickens in city are its nearness to coop construction dealers, its nearness to feed suppliers, its ready partnership with processing plants, as well as its adherence to local government rules on poultry raising and operations.

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