Friday, September 23, 2011

Training Your Cat To Use The Litter Tray

Cats and humans are pretty much the same in their
need for privacy when using the toilet. So
getting your cat used to the idea of the litter
tray shouldn't be too difficult.

The first step is location priority. The litter
tray should be in a quiet area of the house.
Don't pick a place where there will be a lot of
traffic or noise and don't put it outside. It's
best to avoid placing the litter box near your
cats food or water bowls. A separate area for
both feeding and toilet is vital. If your cat
goes out a lot then an outhouse or shed with
easy access is fine. Preferably place it with
one wall behind it or in a corner. Make sure
that your cat knows where the litter box is and
that he doesn't have to travel far to reach it.
If you have a large home and have more than one
cat it might be a good idea to have an extra
box. Also make sure that fresh newspaper is put
under the cat tray as even clever cats have
accidents. They also may go outside the box if
they consider it dirty. You may think it's clean
but a cat may not. Would you want to use a toilet
that hasn't been flushed? Changing the litter
more than twice a week is essential. Really it
should be every day. You're more likely to have
problems with your cat going in other parts of
the house if you don't clean it regularly. A
litter tray smelling of urine will not encourage
them to use it. Most pet shops and websites have
a good variety of litter trays. Pick one that
gives your cat room enough to sit in without
feeling cramped. If they can't move around then
it may discourage them from using it. Also a lid
for privacy is highly recommended.

Remember to never scold your cat if he has an
accident as he will associate punishment with
going to the toilet and using the litter tray.
Instead place your cat in the box after and
scratch at the litter to encourage them to copy
you. Praising them when they do use it will help
your cat understand that this is the right way to
go to the toilet. Also at hourly intervals put
your cat in the tray and they will get used to
the idea that this is their area. It wont take
long, cats are generally smart. Choosing the
right litter is another way to encourage your
cat to use the box, however this will definitely
be trial and error. Different cats prefer
different types. Some litters help with clumping
others help with odour. There are plain types of
litter as well as paper, mineral clay and wood
pellets. Don't use anything that has a strong
chemical scent as it wont entice your cat into
using it. Clay is the most common base for cat
litters as it naturally absorbs moisture.
However it is strip mined and once used cannot
break down in landfills.

Most organic litters are biodegradable. The
usual type of organic materials used to make
organic cat litter are, wood pellets and straw.
It is widely considered by popular environmental
groups that the use of organic materials should
be encouraged as they are more environmentally
friendly than traditional litter. Wheat or corn
is sometimes used in litters, which seems very
wasteful considering there are so many starving
people in the world.

Biodegradable litters are made up from plant
resources such as wheat , wood, barley, and
re-cycled newspaper and can be clumping or non
clumping. As mentioned before large amounts of
non biodegradable cat litter are disposed of in
landfills every year, so these biodegradable
litters have the advantage of being totally safe
by composting and many can even be flushed
provided the quantities are small. This makes
them appealing to owners who live in flats,
homes without outside space, as well as to
owners with a garden. Even though these types of
litter tend to be more expensive they are more
likely to last longer and therefore are more
economical to use. Most importantly the health
of your cat comes first and this type of litter
tends to contain a lot less dust than the clay
based litters, and are usually chemical free.

Alex KellyAs a pet owner, my articles are based
on issues I feel are important for fellow animal
lovers.At Pet Promenade we aim to have everything
you will need for the furry member of the family.
From pet food, dog leads, grooming equipment and
bird cages.With over 5000 pet products, at
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