Friday, September 23, 2011

What You Should Know about Yorkshire Terrier

By Dmitry Vasenyov

To say the truth, there are several great benefits of having a dog. After all, dogs are known as man's best friends. It is true that dogs could be affectionate, loyal and fun and so there are some families that do not even consider their families complete without a dog. However, selecting the proper dog for your style of life and living space is crucial.

It is necessary to mention that Yorkie puppies are considered to be a perfect choice if you do not have enough space and owning a large dog would not be practical. In spite of their small size, they have a unique personality, what makes them a joy to interact with. At the same time, Yorkshire terriers are known for their sense of loyalty. Besides, they could be fiercely protective. In spite of their tiny sizes they are great watchdogs.

You need to know that the average weight of a Yorkshire terrier puppy is just about 7 pounds while teacup Yorkie puppies weight less than 3 pounds. Even if teacup Yorkie puppies are even smaller than Yorkie puppies, they do not lack anything in personality. To say the truth, Yorkshire terrier has all the characteristics of a real terrier.

These dogs are inquisitive, have a great sense of adventure and they are just lively. You have to be sure that you Yorkshire terrier will just stand by you and prove to be a constant and loyal companion.

If you are going to own one of these little dogs, then you need to be sure that you get your Yorkie puppy from a reputable and experienced breeder. These days, a lot of people prefer to buy their dogs from a rescue facility or animal shelter. Once you have your dog, you need to make sure to take him or her to the vet in order to do all the needed vaccinations and a routine check-up.

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