Monday, October 17, 2011

The Ingredients Required For Successful Portuguese Water Dog Training

Many people are wondering how to attain effective
portuguese water dog training. Although such
breed isn't really complicated to train, some
folks are having difficulty managing a
productive dog training endeavor. They are not
aware of the variables that help people to be
successful when training their portuguese water
dog pets. Fortunately, the ingredients needed to
help you succeed in portuguese water dog training
is not really hard to come by. In fact, listed
here are the most powerful ingredients essential
to achieve fun and success:

1. Trustworthy dog training tools and

Nothing really surpasses the benefits and
efficacy of appropriate facts or information. If
you don't want to have a tough time handling your
portie, then make sure that you know what to do
with him or the proper means of managing his
behaviors. You need to equip yourself with the
best training tools and resources for you to be
guaranteed of the best results. The more you
know about your own portie, the easier it gets
to carry out a fun and effective portuguese
water dog training endeavor. Be a competent and
well-informed leader of the pack. If possible,
join a highly-regarded dog training club or

2. Patience and persistence

Training a dog can oftentimes be very tedious.
Nevertheless, it pays to be patient and
understanding. You should practice more patience
to be able to refrain from doing terrible things
to your dog, particularly if he misbehaves
during your training sessions. There's no need
to rush things because most dogs are inherently
intelligent and responsive to training. You just
have to be very persistent and motivated to
finish off everything that you have started.

3. Discipline and consistency

Portuguese water dogs can be very troublesome at
times. Seeing how hyperactive, alert and playful
such breed is, it's important that you implement
discipline and obedience for as soon as you can.
You should be able to teach your dog when to
behave and how to deal with other people or
animals. Naturally, you need to always be
consistent when going through your portuguese
water dog training routines. Otherwise, your dog
will not properly learn all the lessons and
commands that you teach him. He won't become
accustomed to following your house rules.

4. Leadership and mutual respect

Dogs need to be led properly. A number of
accidents can transpire should you fail to build
leadership in your household. Your portie might
grow to be aggressive, dominant and unruly. So
if you don't want to cope with a rather
aggravating pet, make certain that you perform
your duties well as the alpha dog. You ought to
develop mutual trust and respect by spending
more quality time with your pet. Socialize him
accordingly and make it clear who the master is.

5. Praise, rewards or treats and affection

Portuguese waterdogs are dependable and
hard-working dogs. They do well if given lots of
positive verbal remarks or praise and delectable
treats. Such breed loves to please their masters
and are very keen on training. Even so, they are
also very likely to exhibiting awful habits and
undesirable behaviors if left to their own
device. Therefore, make it a point that you
undertake consistent portuguese water dog
training; it's also crucial that you satisfy his
necessities along with its desire to be
recognized and rewarded. Make certain that
discipline and affection go in conjunction.
Always go for positive reinforcements when
correcting your dog's behaviors.

Michelle Garde is a highly-regarded writer of
numerous effective portuguese water dog training
articles and blog posts. She provides a lot of
valuable and practical portuguese water dog
training tips and advice. For additional
information, please visit

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