Thursday, November 24, 2011

Glucosamine Chondroitin Is Safe For Treating Dog Osteoarthritis

Glucosamine chondroitin has been used for decades
to treat human osteoarthritis. Only recently has
this natural and safe supplement product been
used to treat dog arthritis safely and
effectively without the risks of dangerous side
effects. Because arthritis joint disease in
humans is exactly the same disorder as that
found with dog arthritis, glucosamine
chondroitin is also very affective for treating
this joint disease in canines.

Although there are many prescription medications
which are often prescribed to treat dog
arthritis, many of them also have been shown to
cause significant and often times very dangerous
side effects in canines. On the other hand,
glucosamine chondroitin is 100% safe and offers
virtually no danger or side effects to the
animals who take it. Additionally, the benefits
of taking glucosamine chondroitin for canine
osteoarthritis is that it actually acts to
repair the cartilage tissue which has been
damaged by the joint disorder. It should be
pointed out that the prescribed medications for
arthritis in dogs does nothing in the way of
repairing or regenerating damaged cartilage
tissue as does glucosamine.

Dog owners can buy glucosamine chondroitin at a
variety of locations which include big-box pet
retail stores, their veterinarian, and numerous
online websites. The supplement product comes in
either pills and tablet form or a liquid version.
Many people prefer giving their animals the
liquid version of glucosamine chondroitin
because of how easy it is compared to pills and
capsules. Additionally, a single dosage of the
liquid version of glucosamine contains as much
of the product as five or six pills and tablets.
This makes it far easier to give the recommended
daily doses of the chondroitin to the animal
without having to force pills down his or her

It is simply a matter of pouring the liquid
glucosamine chondroitin over the dogs food at
meal time and allow him or her to ingest it
along with the feed. There are no negative
effects of mixing the glucosamine with the food.
Some research even shows that the supplement
product is more easily absorbed by the body when
it is taken with food. Most pet owners simply
give one dose a day of the product. However,
some believe that splitting the dose of
glucosamine chondroitin and giving their animals
to doses each day is more effective.

Glucosamine chondroitin is a widely used
supplement product for treating canine
osteoarthritis without the risks of negative
side effects.

Visit our online website for more information
about treating dog arthritis using glucosamine

Visit our online website for more information
about treating dog arthritis using glucosamine

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