Saturday, November 26, 2011

Keeping Swans - 5 Important Tips If You Are Thinking Of Raising Swans

Swans are truly elegant birds. Their overall
physique and stature makes them ornamental in
every pond and lake.  They do not
require extensive work upon raising swans,
however, you must guard them against predators
like coyotes and wolves as swans are very gentle
in nature. Whenever you want to raise swan,
keeping swans is just a matter of simple
tasks.Whenever you have plans in keeping swans
for your own purposes, consider the following
tips in raising them:

1. Before keeping swans, make a shelter for
them. They usually spend time in bodies of
water, so if you don't have one you can try to
make a man-made pond or lake. Be sure to add
trees and bushes around so they can have a
hooded place for their nests.

2. Guard them from predators by fencing their
place. Swans are very attractive in the eyes of
carnivorous animals, so you must protect them
from these predators. The fence will also keep
them from wandering around.

3. Add aquatic plants in your man-made pond or
lake. Swans are mostly herbivorous and they feed
on roots, stems, leaves and tubers from the
aquatic plants that they can find. However, this
task is not necessary if you are keeping swans in
a natural pond or lake.

4. Make sure to provide your swans with a
continuous supply of food or else, they will
wander away. Swans naturally fly away, but they
will keep on coming back if their usual place of
stay has a continuous supply of food.

5. Once a swan has her own cygnets, they will
start in taking care of it. You just need to
watch for neglected cygnets. These cygnets
either have a disability or suffering from a bad
health, and mature swans neglect these kinds of
cygnets as a way of natural selection, a kind of
survival principle. You have the option to take
care of these neglected cygnets personally and
assist them in growing up.

Keeping swans are not very hard tasks, so you
can readily start raising them. Breeding is not
a problem as well since swans commonly have
their permanent partner for mating and they make
their own nests for incubating their eggs. Just
be watchful for predators as swans cannot
protect themselves from these carnivorous
animals. After focusing on keeping swans
efficiently, you can be assured with a line of
quality beautiful swans for your pond or lake!

Learn more facts about raising swans and more
tips on keeping swans at:

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