Saturday, November 26, 2011

New Pup At Home: Housebreaking And Corgi Training

The corgi breed of dog is well known for being
affectionate and eager to learn thus corgi
training should not be a pain in the neck.
Nevertheless, a corgi may possibly develop
undesirable habits if the breed is
misinterpreted and training is not properly

One of the biggest problems a corgi owner may
face is housebreaking. Dogs might have natural
tendencies to keep their areas clean but without
proper housebreaking, they will soon learn to
relieve themselves not only in their comfort
zones but also anywhere, anytime. To stop this
from taking place, housebreaking ought to begin
at the earliest possible time.

Housebreaking a puppy is often more challenging
than housebreaking an adult one since puppies do
not have full control of their bladder and bowel
just yet. They cannot hold it for longer periods
of time hence they must be taken out every hour
or so to eliminate.

But before you start taking out your pup, select
one area outside of your house to serve as his
toilet. Put him down on the grass and allow him
to sniff around but never play with him
otherwise he'll associate the toilet as his play
area. While there, you may use the commands "go
pee!" or "potty time" to associate the command
with the area and the deed. After doing his
business, reward him with treats and praise to
inspire him further.

During corgi training, your goal is not only to
get your dog to urinate or defecate in the area
you specified, you need to help him develop
potty schedule too to make things easy for the
two of you. As your pup grows, he will start to
have control of his bladder and bowel thus you
can begin increasing the time in between potty
breaks. Rather than take him out every hour, the
routine would only need you to take him out
during the following schedules;

- after getting up in the morning

- after eating or drinking

- after playtime, exercise or training

- after short naps

- before going to bed at night

In addition to the above schedule, dogs may also
have to do their business when nervous, excited
or sick. Some dogs tend to soil themselves when
going through extreme emotions so you should be
prepared for it.

Certainly, housebreaking is a challenging task
but there are many approaches to make it less
challenging. There are tools you can use to
increase your pet's motivation as well as avoid
accidents from occurring - the treats and crate
respectively. Rewarding your dog with treats for
every successful bathroom break can help him
figure out that he gets good things for such
deed thus will inspire him to repeat the
process. Crate on the other hand can prevent
your dog from soiling the house if you cannot
monitor him closely.

Being a corgi owner, Jasmine Lewis has discovered
easy, effective and kind method of providing
effective corgi training. To learn more from
her, feel free to visit her site

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