Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Nutritious Diet And Exercise Help Maintain A Dogs Healthy Weight

Almost half of all canines examined by vets are
determined to be overweight. Obesity among pets
has turned into a growing problem and could lead
to health-related issues like heart disease and
diabetes. Providing excessive treats and dinner
table scraps is not a pragmatic method for
expressing affection for the household dog. In
fact, conceding to the sad eyes of a begging pup
only serves to strengthen undesirable behavior
that could ultimately cause obesity. Pets depend
on the family, their pack, for leadership, safety
and proper care. Good nutrition, healthy treats
and activity are the best expressions of love a
family could provide. The cherished family dog
will be healthier and have better quality of

Overeating is not the only reason why obesity
has increased among the dog pet population. Most
dogs were bred to perform work related functions
including hunting and retrieving, herding and
weight bearing. Family pets today live more
sedate lifestyles than working dogs and spend
more time involved with play and rest.
Therefore, dogs require less food intake with
the same daily requirements of vitamins and
minerals. Daily walks are one good way to
provide needed exercise and could be fun for the
entire family.

All family members should share responsibility
in monitoring what family dogs eat each day. No
sneaking treats under the table. Commercial dog
foods have generally done a good job developing
foods with better ingredients. A mix of meats,
vegetables and minerals provide dogs with
necessary nutrition. The first ingredient in any
good dog food should be meat, not corn. Some food
brands use corn as filler. Corn is not easily
digested by dogs and usually ends up left in a
pile on the lawn. Commercial dog foods are
moving more toward using rice, particularly
brown rice, as a healthier alternative to corn.
Rice is easily digested and helps solidify fecal
materials. Dogs eating food made with rice
generally require less food consumption than
foods containing filler.

Healthy dog treats are a better alternative to
table scraps and provide additional nutrition.
Leftover people food may contain additional fat
and salt that is not good for dogs. Instead of
table scraps, certain vegetables provide
excellent treats. Many dogs enjoy favoured items
such a green beans and carrots. A sufficient
number of chew toys and bone also provide dogs
with an activity to prevent boredom. Dogs may
choose to eat treats as an activity when there
are no available toys to chew.

Pet owners do not always believe the beloved pup
is overweight. Veterinarians could have a
different perspective. It is highly recommended
to visit the veterinarian each year for an
annual examination when the dog's weight and
body fat could be checked. Food intake could be
increased or decreased depending on the needs of
the dog as recommended by a veterinarian. A
low-fat diet could be recommended or simply
reducing amount at feeding time.

Raising a dog is a responsibility every member
of the family can share. Daily exercise is an
enjoyable experience and good exercise for
everyone. Good nutrition, healthy treats and
sufficient physical activity help maintain
healthy weight for a better quality lifestyle.

The correct balance of diet and exercise will
help your pet dog maintain their ideal weight.
Resourced from

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