Monday, November 21, 2011

Raising Ducklings - Beginner's Tips To Raise Baby Ducks

Raising ducklings are reasonably simple to do, if
you stick to a few easy steps. The largely
crucial thing that many people do not know is
that ducks should by no means have medicated
feed. It is moreover a sound proposal to deposit
a vitamin and electrolyte powder in the water to
provide them a pleasant start. The best
thing to feed ducklings and goslings is a 21%
"non medicated" starter feed. Ducks drink a
good deal more water than chickens. Raising ducks
can be an enjoyable experience and is not very
hard if these few elements are supplied.

Ducklings do not take heat well, so be sure not
to overheat them. They like a temperature of
90-92 degrees for the initial 3 days, then 85-90
degrees for days 4 to 7. Thereafter, decline the
temperature by approximately 5 degrees for every
week until they are fully feathered. They should
continuously be able to move away from the high
temperature. Out of breath and drooping wings
are a sign that they are too hot. As soon as
they leave the brooder, it is a useful idea to
furnish them a heat lamp at night in favor of
the initial week or so, except the weather is
very hot. Every time make sure they have some
shelter and a place to walk out of the sun.
Raising ducklings is a fairly inexpensive
operation, but as they get older the price

When raising ducklings, be reminded that they
like their feed wet, and adding a little water
to the feed helps to keep them from choking.
They will also appreciate fresh greens daily,
and bugs and meal worms are a special treat.
Sprinkle thinly chopped greens in their water to
keep them fresh and clean, as they will not munch
filthy or wilted feed.

Be sure to always have clean, fresh water
available. It should be deep enough to get their
heads submerged, to clean out their nostrils and
prevent them from getting a condition called
"sticky eye", but they should not be able to get
their bodies into the water. Duck feathers are
waterproof for the reason that they oil them,
and young Ducklings cannot yield oil until they
are several weeks old. When their mother raises
them, she will oil their feathers for them, so
they can go into the water at an earlier age
than as they are artificially brooded.

Ducklings can have a chick waterer for the first
week or two, and then they should contain
something deeper. It is important to keep
ducklings warm in the first week, especially
during the first two days. All ducklings can be
raised together after two weeks. Use a plastic
bowl with 2" chicken wire over the top, so they
can get their heads in but can't get into the
bowl. The water will need to be changed often,
as ducks are dabblers and will get feed into
their water constantly. Once they are fully
feathered, they will be pleased about some
swimming water. Continually make sure they can
get out of the water, or they will drown. A ramp
into and out of the swimming pool is a good idea,
until they are big enough to get out on their

Ducklings make quite a untidiness while eating,
and their droppings are prolific and wet. They
must be kept clean and dry, so change bedding
often. Pine shavings produce good bedding for
ducklings. You can also raise them on wire mesh.
It takes a LOT of time to care for ducklings.

If you would like to find out more tips about
raising ducklings and raising ducks, please

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