Friday, December 2, 2011

Why Dog Teeth Cleaning Is Important

Everyone who owns a dog should understand the
importance of maintaining a regular and
effective dog teeth cleaning program. Some
canine owners use a process called dog teeth
scaling which is performed the veterinarian's
office. The animal is put under general
anesthetic and the teeth are cleaned of plaque
and tartar at this time. Although this process
is highly effective for cleaning canine teeth,
there are issues with it regarding its safety
because general anesthesia is used. Some dogs,
especially smaller dogs and older ones, can
sometimes have extremely adverse reactions to
the drugs used for putting them to sleep during
the process. In fact, some dogs have even died
during the procedure.

So what is a pet owner supposed to do with
respect to ensuring good dental health in their
canine? The reason cleaning dog teeth is so
important to keep the tartar and plaque removed
from the teeth is the same reason that humans
should be diligent on this process also. Heavy
buildups on the teeth can lead to harboring
bacteria growth in the mouth. Although this is
not necessarily bad, since bacteria fill the
dogs mouth anyway, the heavy tartar buildup
under the gums can lead to bleeding. Any time
there is blood present it means that the
bacteria located there have direct access to the
bloodstream and therefore the rest of the body.

When these bacteria are allowed easy access to
the rest of the body they can migrate to other
organs and locations and begin multiplying in
those areas. In these cases many times body
organs such as the liver and kidneys could end
up being the target for these massive growths of
bacteria. This can be extremely detrimental to
the animal leading him or her to be sick and
even putting them at risk to die.

Therefore, it's extremely important that all
owners of canines understand that dog teeth must
be properly cleaned on a regular basis and kept
free of heavy tartar and plaque buildups. If pet
owners worry about the dangers of dog teeth
scaling, there are other safer and natural
options available to them for cleaning dog
teeth. One of the most common methods many pet
owners use is a process of using dog
toothbrushes and specialized formulas of
cleaning gels and pastes. There are even sprays
available for those animals to completely resist
the idea of having a toothbrush in their mouth.

It's important to understand that this process
of cleaning teeth at home using these
all-natural products is highly effective, but it
does take time to break the dog into the idea of
having something for and into their mouth on a
regular basis. Although the products work very
well, the biggest issue that people have when
attempting this process on their own is
convincing their animals to allow them to do it
without stressing or causing undue misbehavior
during the process.

Pet owners should seek out information on this
process for how to get their animal used to the
idea of having their teeth cleaned with a tooth
brush. There is information available online for
the best methods that can be used to safely and
effectively allow the owner to successfully
clean their dogs teeth.

On our website we have plenty of information
about dog teeth cleaning using completely
natural and safe products.

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