Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dog Developing Information:On Developing Dogs While Building Confidence

By Jeff Yuan

If you have a disobedient dog, you have trouble on your hands. Your pet may become aggressive, may develop bad habits and ruin personal property. You should know that this type of behavior is usually caused by a shy or unconfident dog. Take this dog training information to help you to adjust your pet's character.

Patience and consistent training is of the first magnitude in raising a confident dog. Be patient with your pets, especially when they're puppies. It goes without saying that a puppy will make all kinds of mistakes, and yelling doesn't make things any better. You'll discourage them if you lose your temper and yell. You will also undo any training without consistency.

Besides being consistent, you really must focus on targeting your praise properly. Praising your dog is a training tool, you must understand. You don't want to reassure your dog when they've made a mess of things. Mind you, you won't need to yell at your dog, but you do want to punish when appropriate. Praise them only when they are doing exactly as you have told them to.

When you utilize your tone of voice properly, you'll be using one of those techniques the pro's use. You don't want to always be soft and sweet - only when your pet is behaving properly. You don't need to yell when they mess up, but you do want to be firm with them when they do something wrong. This dog training information largely goes underutilized by dog owners, to their detriment.

When you begin to address your pet's fear, you will need to carefully consider how you introduce new experiences and people, as well as new dogs. Introducing too much at once can be really harmful to their confidence level. You want to be smart about it and plan this out, and be there to supervise your dog as he responds to the novel situation.

As soon as you notice that your pet is acting frightened, you don't want to allow it to run off with its tail between its legs. Nor do you want to reassure your dog when it's acting afraid, either in tone of voice or by physical affection. You want to reaffirm their sense of bravery, not cowardice.

Playing games to train is a great tool that dog training information archives all agree upon. These methods and instruments allow your dog to build confidence. Tugging toys are a great example of this, since they put you and your dog on more equal footing. Introduce your dog to your family using names, and introduce him to various toys in order to really heighten their sense of intelligence and accomplishment. This will help your pet grow more confident, and help ensure you have years with a dog that obeys rather than shows aggression.

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