Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How to Keep A Discus Fish - 6 Factors to Consider

Learning how to keep a discus is a vital step in
having one as a pet. However, there are things
you need to consider in learning how to keep one
and these include:

How to Keep a Discus Fish: Health

The discus fish's well being - Be sure that the
fish looks healthy at first glance. Staying near
the surface, having bloated gills and just
breathing out of a side are signs that the fish
isn't healthy. Keep your distance from tanks
that have a Do Not Sell, or DNS, tag on them as
these fish are likely to have gotten sick before

How to Keep a Discus Fish : Alertness

To know how to keep a discus fish is to know
how alert the fish is, watch it as it eats. The
pet store staff should feed it once you've asked
them. Unhealthy discus fish won't show interest
in the food. If it won't eat, it should
acknowledge that there is food, at least. If
ever the pet store staff refuses to feed their
discus, then you should move on to the next pet

How to Keep a Discus Fish : Adult or Juvenile

Adults and juveniles are the best fish forms to
buy when you are still learning how to take care
of a discus. A mature discus fish is easier to
take care of and is going to handle water
condition adjustments better.

How to Keep a Discus: Quarantine

Dealer quarantine - One thing about how to keep
a discus is the quarantine period. This refers to
the specific period of time before a vendor
decides to sell the fish. You could ask the
supplier how long the quarantine period of the
discus lasted. In a lot of case, a good
guideline is to keep a fish in quarantine for at
least a week in order to prevent them from
spreading any disease. You could also ask if the
fish has been de-wormed or has it been given any
medication. These are just some of the simple
things that will make you know a discus fish
background as well as some of its history.

How to Keep a Discus Fish : It's Not All about
the Looks

Not stopping at the way the discus looks -
Discus fish pass waste on a frequent basis, so
you should check the bottom of your aquarium to
make sure you do see waste and that the waste is
colored black. Pay attention to feces that look
white as this could indicate that the discus has
a problem in its insides, probably pointing to
intestinal worms. Books on how to keep a discus
state that you should just let the fish be and
look for more healthy fish.

How to Keep a Discus Fish: Chemisty

An aquarium's chemistry is one of the factors
to consider when you want to learn how to keep a
discus. Ask breeders or fish owners the current
water circumstances are of the discus you want
reserved. Make sure to keep an acceptable
tolerance between your aquarium and the pet
store's tank. You might want to check out other
stores in case the owner's tank has off-beat
chemistry as this is often a sign that they
don't know much when it comes to discus fish.
Acclimatizing a discus could be tricky since
water conditions change. You could ask the
breeder how they acclimatize their discus to
make sure that a stress-free transfer is done.

Knowing these factors on how to keep a discus
is the key to prolonging their life.

Tom Rollins a Discus Fish expert. If you want to
learn more about , visit

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