Friday, February 24, 2012

The Differences Between Liquid and Tablet Forms Of Glucosamine For Treating Dog Arthritis

One of the most common diseases older dogs
usually contract in their later years of life is
canine arthritis. Different breeds suffer to
various degrees of this dreaded joint disease.
Usually, larger breed dogs suffer more from the
condition then do smaller breed dogs because
their extra weight adds more stress and strain
on their diseased joints.

Pet owners who first noticed possible symptoms
of dog osteoarthritis should immediately take
their pet to a veterinarian for a complete and
full diagnosis to find out whether or not the
disease is present in their animal.

If the doctor does in fact diagnose that the
disease called dog arthritis is present in the
animal, he or she will indicate various options
to the pet owner for treatments. In the past,
there were many prescription medications that
were often suggested for treating the disease.
However, it has come to be known that many of
these prescribed medicines also cause
significant and severe side effects. Many of
them, in fact, even caused the death of some

If your veterinarian suggests using prescription
medications to treat canine joint disease, always
ask him what the possible side effects are and
what to watch out for. If any of these signs
show up during the treatment using the
prescribed drugs, immediately stop supplying the
animal the medications and consult a veterinarian
right away.

One of the most common natural alternatives for
treating joint arthritis in dogs is glucosamine
supplementation products. Glucosamine
supplements are all-natural and actually acts to
treat the root cause of the disease and not
merely mask the pain and symptoms it causes.
There are two forms of glucosamine which pet
owners usually give to their animals. The first
form comes in standard capsules and tablets and
are administered orally to the dog. The other,
and more preferred option, is that of liquid
glucosamine in the liquid form.

There are several advantages to liquid
glucosamine hydrochloride versus its
counterparts in the form of tablets and
capsules. The first and most obvious advantage
to using the liquid version is that it's far
easier to give the animal their daily doses of
glucosamine. One simply has to measure the
required dosage and poured over the dog's food
at meal time. For canines, there are virtually
no issues of getting the dogs to eat the food
which has had the liquid glucosamine poured over

Another advantage to using the liquid version of
the supplement product is that some studies
suggest that the liquid is more easily absorbed
and more rapidly used by the body than are the
pills and capsules which can contain unnecessary
filler material. Therefore, we suggest using the
liquid version of glucosamine to treat canine
arthritis in your older pets suffering from the
joint disease.

There are many online stores available where you
can purchase liquid glucosamine in small or in
bulk quantities. For treating dog arthritis,
liquid glucosamine is preferred versus the
prescription medications simply because there
are no side effects associated with using this
natural supplement product.

Visit our website for more details about how pet
owners are using glucosamine to treat dog
arthritis. These all-natural supplements are
safe and without side effects when treating
osteoarthritis joint disease.

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