Friday, February 24, 2012

Do Golden Retrievers Need Dog Training?

By Lavisha Allsop

Are there such stuff as misbehaving golden retrievers? Though quite uncommon due to their loving and easy going nature, many new dog keepers appear to avoid dog training altogether because they believe this dog breed is naturally good without it. The truth is, though, that adorable golden retrievers are only well-behaved because they were trained well.

To prep yourself for certain dog behavioral issues that you may suffer with your golden retriever, here's a quick crash course. In general, there are four issues your pet might develop: separation nervousness, obedience, aggression and neuroses.

Separation anxiety happens when your pet isn't trained to be away from you for too long. Put simply, if your dog is used to being around you all the time, then he'd become concerned whenever you have got to leave his side. Dog obedience problems, on the other hand, will happen if your dog isn't schooled to respond to you in any way. This indicates that he will not understand your dog commands or listen to you at all.

Golden retrievers might also become assertive if they are not properly socialised with other pets or with children. Inversely, neuroses happens if you've a extremely active dog that needs activity on a constant basis so as to prevent tedium. If not treated, your pet may end up digging and scratching at various things, or snarling and barking at everyone in sight.

Fortunately , if you conduct a good training session early on, you will be able to condition your golden retrievers with ease and make sure that he becomes acclimatized to not having you around, understands when it's time for playtime and recognize who is the master of the house. You will have to be dependable with your agenda and coaching, though, if you would like to stop your dog form becoming too irritable. Good luck!

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