Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How To Raise Chickens - 5 Easy And Useful Methods To Improve Your Livestock

One of the best sources of protein is the white
meat that comes from chickens. If you will go to
various food shops and restaurants, you will find
several recipes using chicken as their main dish
or sometimes, a side dish.  Therefore, you
must take care of them from the time they were
hatched until they are ready for
cooking.  To cut a long story short,
chicken has been the most widely eaten food
since time immemorial. But for this to happen,
you should know how to raise chicken first. You
can follow these five useful methods of
improving your flock.

1. Build coops: Just like any other pets,
chickens need a place to stay. They cannot be
seen inside your home running around with your
children because it has its own place. You can
make your own coop using wood or hard cardboard
or just let the carpenters do this job for you.

2. Give them space: No, not the space needed in
a relationship; but the space needed by your
chicken for grazing. Hens, on the other hand,
need to have their own privacy. Because when
they are exposed to other chickens, they may
feel a lot more stressed that might cause delays
on laying eggs.

3. Spend time with them: Forming a bond between
the master and the pet is included on how to
raise chickens. If you neglect them, your feet
can be pecked by their powerful and sharp,
mid-length beaks. So, be very careful because
they can get too aggressive when ignored.

4. Feed them with the right food: What is right
for you is also right for your chickens; except
for worms and insects, of course. Your chicken
must have a daily serving of grains that consist
of corns, wheat, and barley. Bread, meat and fish
scraps are also a good choice of feed for your
chickens. If you want to know how to raise
chickens using the right kind of food, try to
feed your chickens a whole bunch of mealworms
and fly larvae.

5. Know what type of fowl you will need: There
are so many types of fowl available in your
local farm. If you plan to sell chicken meat,
you can purchase roosters because they are rich
in white meat. Venturing to egg selling is only
possible if you have hens. You might also want
to have chickens as pets or combination.
Researching about the types of chickens will be
a benefit since each chicken has different
temperament and purpose.

These five useful ways on how to look after
chickens are indeed helpful for beginners and
oldies. Now, you can say to yourself that you
can have your own flock even without the help of

Looking for more tips on how to raise chickens?
Discover everything you need to know and how
easy it is to raise your own chicken. Separate
yourself from the usual chicken owners and avoid
costly mistakes. Go to:

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