Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How To Raise Turkeys For Profit - Vital Tips To Make More Profit Raising Turkeys With Less Effort

The basics on how to raise turkeys for profit are
not simple, but they aren't difficult to do
either. The first thing in how to raise
turkeys for profit is you need to know what kind
of turkey to raise.  If you are intent
on going into this business venture, knowing a
few things before you start with it would help
you make more profit with less effort. There are
three major kinds of turkeys, all originating
from the United States. These are the Wild
Bronze, the Broad Breasted White, and the Broad
Breasted Bronze. Out of these three, the Broad
Breasted White is the one mostly used for
commercial purposes. This is because this breed
has had more selected breeding pressure than the

For the housing of your turkeys, a 10 feet by 10
feet enclosure is enough space for a small flock
of turkeys. A simple expansion project you can
do for any space you have is to build a sun
porch. An 8 feet by 10 feet sun porch, along
with the above mentioned space is an ideal space
for 20 large or 30 small turkeys.

The best feeders are hanging feeders. This is
because you can adjust their height depending on
the age of your turkeys. As they start off young,
you can keep them on the floor and raise them so
that the turkeys would not have to bend down
when eating. This is because when bending down,
they tend to scatter their feed, which would be
a waste. For the water, chicken fountains and
water pans would do the trick to quench your
turkeys' thirst.

There are up to 4 different classes of feeds. If
you want to know how to raise turkeys for a
profit, you need to invest on these 4 -
prestarter, starter, grower, and finisher feeds.
As you can deduce from their names, they are
given to the turkeys in different stages of
their life, from newborns to ready to sell.
Purchasing the right feeds make all the
difference in getting your turkeys to be
attractive to buyers.

Because of the ease of raising turkeys, children
can be intimately involved in turkey breeding for
fun and profit. Even the youngest can make sure
that water containers are full and that the
birds are getting the care and warmth that they
need. You'll be surprised what a family
adventure it is to raise turkeys and enjoy free
range turkey meat as well as the excitement of
your consumers eating their first free range

A good business sense and patience will pay off
for you as you start gathering the profits of
your turkey raising endeavor. The questions on
how to raise turkeys for profit do not end here
- they merely start. If you would like to learn
more about raising turkeys and avoid costly
mistakes, please visit:

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