Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Prevent German Shepherd Growling

By Chris Miller

A German Shepherd is a big dog, and even puppies are large enough to scare children. It's important to know why your dog is growling and to know how to prevent it if it has become a behavior problem.

Growling Behavior

When a German Shepherd growls, he is trying to convey something to others. At times, growling is apt, like whenever a stranger comes near, and sometimes it's not. Dogs usually growl if they feel threatened by something and it can be a prelude to taking the next step, which can be snapping or biting. Most folks heed a German Shepherd's warning.

Risks to a dog could come in the form of being harmed unintentionally. A dog may be calling attention to his presence in the room.

When the dog is being taught to be a guard dog, growling could be tolerable in most cases. But you should never encourage growling at a family member or other pleasant people.

If your puppy growls when you go to the dog park and he meets a new dog, or he growls when he meets a stranger, these aren't strange dog behaviors. The dog may be too tense and cannot relax. However, your pet should be well-behaved when he is with you at all times.

When growling begins to be a problem, something should be done. Your dog may feel like he has the authority and that you're not the leader anymore.

Be Careful When Trying to stop Growling Behavior in Dogs

Never confront your puppy using a punishment of sorts when he growls at you. Confrontations will only aggravate the state of affairs. Fear or animosity, or both could develop.

If your dog is growling you must have your veterinarian check him out to make sure there is nothing physically wrong with him. Your dog could be hurt and you do not know about it. If the vet rules out any physical problem, then you must follow the advice below.

Train Your Puppy to Stop Growling

Training is still the most effective way. On your own, this problem can be too much. A trainer can help you figure out a education program for your dog. Training can also help your German Shepherd grow to be loyal to you again. If you show authority, your pet will do all that he can to satisfy you. German Shepherds are usually tractable so schooling will do you good. Your pet will become compliant again.

Once you and your German Shepherd have restored your relationship you can deter any other growling that your dog has been engaging in. He will also figure out how to growl when you ask him to. Your puppy will be under your proper control, as he should be.

Growling is a type of communication and some growling is normal and even needed. But growling can be bad if your puppy does this persistently and unsuitably. Enrolling with your dog in a good training class will bring back your position as the leader in the relationship and should prevent the growling.

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