Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What You Need To Know About Mute Swans

The mute swan is a very large white waterbird. It
has a long S-shaped neck and an orange bill with
black at the base of it.  Although
strikingly elegant, mute swans (Cygnus olor) are
one of the bay's most harmful species, edging out
native waterfowl and destroying aquatic
vegetation.  Flies with its neck
extended and regular slow wing beats. Mute swans
breed in the British Isles, north central Europe
and north central Asia. This article will
explore the many exciting aspects of the mute
swans species from their population, behavior to
their physical appearance.

The population trend for this species in the
United States, as judged by the Breeding Bird
Survey, has been steadily upward. Population
growth and range expansion of this species has
increased the number of swan-related problems
for people and native wildlife. Often, people
mistake a large number of swans seen together as
indication of a rapid increase in population.
Owing to this assertive behavior, this breed of
swans are also able to establish populations in
new areas fairly quickly.

This type of swans can be distinguished by their
unique behaviors. They establish strong bonds
when they pair up. They feed almost exclusively
on SAV (submerged aquatic vegetarian) like
widgeon grass and redhead grass. Mute swans
occupy and defend relatively large territories
of wetland habitat during nesting, brood rearing
and foraging, and thus compete with native birds
for habitat. This breed fly at a rate of 50 to
55 miles per hour and don't usually breed before
the age of three years. They have been known to
live for over 25 years, but most only survive to
5 or 6 years old. The nesting period for mute
swans begins in late March to April.

This breed are large birds, measuring 144 to 158
cm. The wingspan is 2 to 2.5 meters. The two
sexes are alike in appearance, except that males
are generally larger than females. The plumage is
white. They are best distinguished from North
American swans by the knob at the base of the
upper bill, and the color of the bill itself,
which is orange, with the tip and base colored
black. The head and neck may sometimes be
stained brown from water and mud containing
iron. They are one of the world's largest flying
birds, weighing twenty-five to forty pounds (10
to 18 kg).

As you can probably tell now, not only mute
swans are one of the biggest birds but their
unparalleled characteristics have attracted many
people to breed them. Here are just some of the
information related to mute swans. Black swans
is also another type where there are a lot of
interest from the public.

Caring for swans is similar to caring for any
other pet. Are you searching for more tips on
raising swans? Learn more about raising swans
and where you can find swans for sale at

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