Sunday, April 29, 2012

How can one train a Yorkie to retort to a whistle

By Steve Cote

A whistle for recall is very helpful when you are walking and training your Yorkshire terrier.

This breed of dog is driven by instinct and likely to ignore calling of his name so any tool which will reach his selective ears will be handy.

You cannot simply whistle at your dog and expect him to grasp that it implies come back. Your yorkie wants to hear the sound and associate it with something that he sees as beneficial. Terriers particularly will choose on their response depending on how rewarding it is to them.

Whistle feeding is handy, especially if your yorkie is a fan of his food. When you place his food bowl down on the ground and he's taking his first mouthful give a quick blast on the whistle. Watch out though if he is receptive to the sound as you might worry him. It's an idea not to stand too near or blow too hard initially. You do not need to scare or shock your dog.

You can tune your Yorkie into the whistle by giving a short blast followed straight away by a tasty treat. This process repeated a few times will instil the organisation into his mind and with a little luck get him to come for a treat when he hears the whistle on a walk.

You can increase the association by having someone hold your dog, showing him a treat then moving 1 or 2 paces away. As you blow the whistle the aid can release your dog whilst you encourage return directly to you for the treat. The distance can be increased steadily.

If your dog is not listening to the whistle do not continue to blow it in sheer desperation. You will only succeed in making the sound ineffectual. Return to training the sound in close quarters and sharpening your dog's reply. This is pretty much it, now wasn't that comparatively easy to learn how to train a yorkie?

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