Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How to house train your dog

By Jerry Welsh

House training, house breaking, potty training or toilet training refers to teaching the dog when and where to go to the bathroom or to the designated toilet area. In spite of the fact that dogs are well loved by all the members of the family, no one would want to clean the mess that the dog leaves everywhere. House training, just like any other form of dog training can be as easy or as difficult as you can make it. The task of teaching the dog to eliminate in the designated area will basically depend on the training methods used and on the patience and persistence of the dog owner.

When you take home a puppy from the breeder you have to be aware that your new pet has to undergo potty training. As with any other kind of training, the task of housebreaking the pet would be easier if started while the dog is still a puppy. A dog owner would be aware of the pet's tendency to form habits.

Dogs that have soiled a particular area will return to the same place over and over again to defecate or urinate. Your task then is to prevent the dog from using the carpet as its bathroom and guiding the pet to the designated area. This task would be difficult for pet owners that are not at home most of the time. Being intelligent creatures, dogs will form the habit of defecating and urinating in the designated area in about a week.

The first thing that must be done is to designate an area to be the dog's bathroom. This can be in the garage, a corner of the bathroom or in the yard. Dogs have to do their business after waking up, after eating and before sleeping thus you can take the dog to the toilet area during these times to eliminate. A pat or a praise given after the dog has eliminated in the correct place will make the dog repeat the good deed again. Dogs that are allowed to roam inside the house can have accidents thus an owner need to know the telltale signs that the dog is about to do its business so that it can be taken to the designated place right away.

Unlike other animals, dogs depend on the owners. Getting a dog for a pet entails a huge responsibility as aside from the food and the care that must be provided for the dog, various training will also be necessary to mold the dog into a wonderful individual that will be significant member of the family

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