Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Raising Cows For Beef - 4 Vital Preparatory Steps Before You Invest In Raising Beef Cattle

Raising cows for beef is fairly simple. As long
as the cows are able to grow appropriate under
good conditions, they will soon gain enough
weight for consumption. From the initial
purchase and choosing them, to taking care of
them well and making sure they are healthy.
However, to get high-quality meats from them or
to maintain their health is not as easy as
1-2-3. There are quite a few factors that should
be considered. Luckily, it is not hard to
understand, and all the important details are
quite easy to keep in mind. Here are the four
steps that should prepare you for raising

Raising Cows for Beef Tip #1: The Bovine's

When it comes to raising cattle, their milk and
meat are the profits that come to mind
instantly. At first, it may seem simple because
what comes to mind is to purchase a pair of male
and female cows for further breeding. However,
there is a big difference between a bovine for
milk and a bovine for meat. To compare, a cow
for milk is raised to produce good amounts of
milk, but they have difficulties when it comes
to gaining weight; whereas, a bovine for meat
can gain weight easier, but they are typically
males only, which means that any further
breeding may prove to be difficult.

Raising Cows for Beef Tip #2: The Bovine's

The gender is another factor to consider,
because males grow faster than females. That is
why male bovines are usually used for meat
production instead of females. Take note,
however, that you will not be able to go into
the business of milk production if meat
production is your focus; mainly because only
females produce milk (in case you are

Raising Cows for Beef Tip #3: The Bovine's

A cow with horns might prove to be more
difficult to take care of, because they
jeopardize the caretaker's safety. Fortunately,
there is a breed of cows that do not have horns,
which are known as "polled". This variety of cows
is ideal for raising cattle, because you will be
saved the trouble of having their horns cut by a
professional if you own cows with horns.

Raising Cows for Beef Tip #4: The Proper Shelter

The living environment of the cattle is of
utmost importance. This will determine the rate
of their weight gain, as well as their health.
Most bovines that live under harsh conditions
will be prone to ailments that can result to a
good number of death losses. They will also have
a more difficult time gaining weight if the
temperature of the area is uncomfortable. Their
living conditions should be under a dry place
with appropriate ventilation, and should always
be fed with enough hay or milk daily.

As long as you are prepared and well-learned of
all the details, you will be able to start
raising cows for beef soon enough. Of course, it
goes without saying, you will need a big enough
and well-functioning freezer to take care of all
the meat you will be able to get. And don't
forget to improve the bovines' living conditions
gradually, because that will determine the
quality of their production.

Raising grass fed beef can be a fulfilling
venture and can really improve the quality of
your life. Arm yourself with enough knowledge on
the subject so you'll be one of the many success
stories of the industry. Just learn more vital
tips and go to:

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